View Full Version : Please help

09-27-2012, 03:11 PM
I'm freaking myself out. I'm 25 years old and I have a 9 month old son. While I was pregnant my left shoulder started hurting and the pain would come and go. Ever since I had my son the pain is always there. It's located around my left shoulder blade and my joint in the front of my shoulder. The pain is worse when I lay on that arm or if I use it too much. The pain has gone in to my neck and the muscle on my upper arm. At first I thought it might be from carrying a a baby around but now I'm not sure. I goggled my symptoms and aortic valve stenosis came up. Now I'm terrified that I'm just going to drop dead!!!!!

09-27-2012, 03:21 PM
Ok, so let me get this straight. You've posted since the 23rd about this anxiety and left arm pains. Many have replied and offered you some solid advice and suggestions to get the show on the road, before it runs over you on the street..AND you've done what to stop or correct these issues?...Google them..and then turn yourself into a hypochondriac. Am I gettin warm yet?.. It isnt an aortic ventrifical valve centrafuge stenosis.. trust me, just get the anxiety under your own control before you Google something else that isnt yer problem at 25.. Jus sayin.


09-27-2012, 03:26 PM
I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was a bother. I came here for reassurance I guess. I'm afraid. I don't have insurance for another two weeks so I can't see my doctor until then. Having a baby makes me even more afraid of dying because he needs me. I will refrain from posting on here again. Thanks

09-27-2012, 03:38 PM
The post wasnt meant to chase or run you off. It was a tactful approach to dealing with an issue that seems to be intensifying, but that is not a good thing..Trust me and everyone else that supports you here, you're not going to die nor do you have any other health issues other then being controlled by an evil and horrifying condition. Not a disease Cat..My apologies for such a straight forward method and choice of words as it is not you I become angered by, it is "it" that pisses me off..If I could remove "it" for you, I would.


09-27-2012, 03:41 PM
Hiya,oh dont feel like you cant msg on here,i have just had a baby and i know what u mean about being scared of dying,i had a pain in my shoulder blade for a few months didnt go the docs but had massage and it has gone now i just think i had pulled something x

09-27-2012, 07:16 PM
I know that feeling of being scared of not being around for my kids...don't worry, I'm sure it is nothing serious. Google is the worst place for people like us,who suffer from anxiety to go to.

09-27-2012, 07:45 PM
It's ok to be afraid, we're all supportive here. I myself sometimes get hypochondriac tendencies, it's the unknown "What if it's this?" thing that does it, I know. However, what you must understand is most webMD like websites will blow things out of proportion listing all sorts of symptoms that are JUST AS COMMON in less serious cases. Like for instance, for a brain tumor they'll say "Symptoms are, heavy head, headaches, blurry vision" somewhere in the big block of text that's labled "symptoms"... These are symptoms that come with ANXIETY was well, and are all a part of stress related crap. I freaked myself out with that when I was new to anxiety and had no clue what was going on.

Don't google stuff :P it'll only scare you. Set an appointment with a doctor :] Feel free to post on here though anytime you like!