View Full Version : just had a massive panic attack while having a meal out

09-27-2012, 02:43 PM
I keep having funny turns bein dizzy an feel like my head is about to fall off this is really scaring me don't want to go to the docs with it cuz I've been with so many things this past year and every time I'm sure I've got thing I'm worrying about, then it always turns out to be anxiety.I just so sick an tired of living with this pointless problem!!!!!! p.s I'm not suicidal lol

09-27-2012, 03:23 PM
OK..So, the Dr says you've got anxiety and then what? You just walk out the door and allow it to continue to eat you alive?...Help me understand please.


09-27-2012, 04:27 PM
What triggered your attack? When i have an attack in public and i want it to go away I try and put myself into reality, pinching myself or deep breathing, relaxing my muscles. You can even wall away for a bit. Talk to your doctor about it

09-27-2012, 06:10 PM
It's not pointless at all, actually.

It's your brain's way of showing you that you've got too much SHIT going on within it.
It can't cope, so it hits the panic button and HEY PRESTO... fight or flight mode during your meal out.

Been there, done that... and got serious gas that day as a result!


09-27-2012, 06:54 PM
Oh, man. Reminds me of a time I got a panic attack on the way to my birthday dinner and during my birthday dinner. At this time, my system was SO sensitive that ANY negativity set me into panic. Some buddies, my brother and I were driving to a restaurant, and they started arguing about something stupid they had going on. It got heated, and I was just like.. I started running my hands through my hair (This is how I knew an attack was on the verge.), and I told them to cut it out but ofcourse they kept going. I ended up in full panic mode when we got to the restaurant. People around were just looking at me concerned as I guess it was pretty obvious something was bothering me even though I tried to look normal.

My buddies stopped when they saw my hands shaking, and then I said "I might need to go out and get some air at one point here so don't freak out" I told them what was going on. Took about 25 minutes for me to calm down from that attack.I'm so lucky and thankful it wasn't one that had me in tears or something. But it's a nasty experience.

09-28-2012, 09:32 AM
Ace, I was really interested to see that you run your hands through your hair when an attack is coming on. I do the same thing and thought I was the only one, lol. It's almost involuntary and I don't know why I do it.
Anyway, panic attacks are awful but so so so common. If you are suffering then the first port of call is the doctor regardless of how many times you have seen him in the last year. You do not need to have to live with this condition- it is treatable so get back to the doctor and get some help because doing it alone is pretty much impossible.