View Full Version : I dont know how to let anything out i need help

09-27-2012, 02:08 PM
Im so nervous and I feel really trapped.

I want to say whats wrong with me but I'm afraid people will just think I'm stupid. Just thinking about saying them makes me cry because they cant be helped. Im so scared and nervous about everything and have no one but my doctor to talk too but all he does is ask me about college because of my mom.

Ive been home for a year just sulking in my anxiety and its very painful. Everything is painful.
I have so many things I need to say but Ill never have enough time to say them all and I don't want to wait once a week to brush the surface on each and every thing, I need to let it all out at once theres no other way.

But my problems are stupid so my doctor and mom will probably just treat it like a joke or make me feel like it will be worse. If i said it here I'm sure people here would think its dumb too. Im afraid of my feelings.

Only one person I think I would be able to talk to is my best friend but shes away in college and wouldn't be able to talk to me now. I need to talk to someone about this in person

How can I tell them whats wrong when its all so stupid? How can I be brave enough to look like an idiot and talk about my problems?

09-27-2012, 02:12 PM
No-ones gonna judge you here :)

09-27-2012, 02:14 PM
Im just scared :( I've always been told what I'm worrying about is stupid.

09-27-2012, 02:29 PM
Just let it out (if you want to) I promise no one is going to think it's stupid.

09-27-2012, 03:13 PM
You think your thoughts are stupid?.. They're not, they are part of your problem and the reasons why you're both here. You don't even want me to go into my own "stupid thought" mode because you'd be a year older by the time you were done readin them..

We're here..and we've all been there too.


09-27-2012, 04:38 PM
No one on this forum will judge you, none of us are in any position to. We all have been in similar situations. Feel free to talk. We will listen and if any one can assist they will do their best. :)

09-27-2012, 06:06 PM
I might judge you... but I pwomiss I'll keep it to myself :-)

Nahhhh, seriously... spill the beans BABY!

The longer you leave those thoughts locked up, the worse it gets.

Worries / fears / anxieties / issues inside your head cling to eachother... eventually making ONE huge mass which your brain finds increasingly difficult to deal with.
If you let this mass get TOO big you're in deep doo-doo, coz your brain will flip and press the big, red panic button.

Now sit down, suck on a worthers original and let's avvit...

09-27-2012, 06:44 PM
Nothing you worry about is stupid and nobody here will judge you. Wanna know a secret? My first fear that started anxiety was I was worried about ghosts in my house because my dog always barked at my dark room for some reason. Then I found out his favorite chew toy was sitting on a shelf in my closet and I remembered I hid it from him as punishment one day for peeing in my shoe when I was late to work.


When I was in highschool I felt my dick was small (ahahaha), so I would always get anxiety when a techie girl would want to give me head in the dressing rooms backstage (Was an actor). When my first GF in high school I told her about this fear, she finally managed to get me undressed, and saw how excited she got and stuff I'll stop explaining here, I no longer had this fear.

See! Once you speak it, or voice it out, people can help you get over it. Or you'll realize it's nothing afterall, and laugh at it yourself. No fear is too silly.