View Full Version : A lot going on!

09-27-2012, 12:33 PM
Hi Guys

To be honest I do not really know where to start, I'm Damien from Ireland 44 yr old guy and i am shocked at some of the peoples stories about anxiety its so sad that this thing has such an effect on so many people, my empathy is with all of you.
I Have been suffering with mental health problems since my teens, depression and anger seemed to be a couple of my traits and i always had a need in me to be wanted or to belong to something, attention seeking even, and i did certain things i guess to make sure i was noticed, Like weight training & steroids and other stuff i cannot mention for legal reasons but never the less i did these things.
I have always felt sad and down for as long as i can remember it was normal for me to feel this way, i used to have a saying( i wasn't happy until i was unhappy because this was my most comfortable place) anyhow the years went on and so did the illness it hounded me day in day out, but i just got through it the best way i could but not without a lot of heartache and pain.( Lost relationships & friendships) I had been to a few counsellors and spoke about my troubles for many years but none of them really helped although i gave them a lot of money.
I have my own business i started it in 2004 a 1 hr Photoshop ( printing photographs) and it has been one of the hardest things i have ever done i did it on a shoe string budget and built it up year after year always spending money to make the business better, now i have moved premises to a bigger building where
I have a photo studio on the first floor my photo lab on the ground floor and a bespoke framing service in the basement, never making money just spending it Lol!, I have been doing this while dealing with my mental health issues but now i have different kind of issues & symptoms some of which i could not understand,( Avoidance of doing certain duties, fear with responsibility,sweats,knots in my stomach the feeling of being useless,this had a drastic effect on me and the business, I hadn't a clue what was going on, this was destroying me i was blaming myself for all that was going on and i kept on calling myself a failure and a bad business person it shattered my self belief and confidence.The business has never really worked i have pumped money into the business to help it go forward and by adding the new services hoping that it would bring in more revenue, but then good Auld Ireland fell into a s**t hole of a recession and well lets say i have been hanging on with the skin of my teeth ever since, this in itself has only added to my already stressed self.
About four years ago i nearly gave up he ghost and i was not very far from the end of a rope but i managed to get to see a psychiatrist a truly nice guy, Allen was his name, he got me medicated very quickly and i was now in his care, we tried so many different Anti depressants over our four years together but none really worked so my life was hell, feeling sad and all kinds of stuff, this lasted until about six months ago when he had me transferred to see another psychiatrist and a new psychologist, and it was here where i was hit with the whammy that i had Dsthymia & Anxiety.
What was this i had no clue Dsthymia i could understand, but Anxiety! I had no clue at all,you could have knocked me off my feet.
Alex the name of the psychotherapist a true legend, told me i had classic Anxiety, but that i had it so bad that he did not think he could help me with exercises and CBT and that the answers could only come from me, which scared the s**t out of me.
I have been on most anti depressant known to medicine but none of them ever seemed to really work for me, I am on a 1000mg of Eplim chrono for my mood swings, 150 mg of Anafranil for my anti depressant, Risperdal 10mg for my anger and now the new one im on for Anxiety is 150mg of Lyrica which i started two weeks ago.
The reason why i am here guys is that i need to get well i have been living even wallowing in a depressed state for most of my life and now this Anxiety this has to stop and i need help, help from people who understand and have come out the other side.
Any advice, input opinions anything at all i would really appreciate I am so sorry for the long winded story but i thought a good back drop to my history would help,



09-27-2012, 12:52 PM

I'm 44, was a weightlifter/builder, and know alot of useless shit that is only useful here. Narrow the post down just abit so we can get to the source of the issues and then go from there bruh.. Good to meet a fellow iron eater.. Been there, done that.


09-27-2012, 12:57 PM
PS: I am also self-employed since 1996 and I am also "out the other side". I can also relate to the anger/rage issue too as I have brief bouts of dilusional psychotic behavior..I cant see, hear, understand, anything around me except that I wanna tear everyone and everything completely apart..If that's like what you have.

We're here man..

09-27-2012, 01:17 PM
Hey E-Man

Many thanks for the replies, and apologies for the long rant.
Ok any advice in where to start tackling my issues, Anxiety, some people say no alchohol, no caffeine, exercise, what do you think?



09-27-2012, 01:32 PM
We got alot in common on the page. You got kids?..3 here, and a Grandson. What were you squattin, dead, benchin when you were able to train??...

1. the alcohol aspect of it doesnt concern me because it is used as a "social ability tool" to get you back out there into the real world. The key here is not to have 9 beers with the meds that you take because that is what concerns me. Social drinking is ok..
2. the caffeine thing is really a none issue too because honestly it is a very healthy and beneficial chemical substance as long as its used in moderation. A couple glasses of green tea are helpful, healthy, and also can be used as a "social ability tool" too.. Just dont take 1000mgs of No Doze...
3. Yes, if you can excercise then please do so. That in itself releases good hormones to help offset the anxiety and create a better sense of well being. I wish I could join you or my old gymrat buddies but I cant..Is what it is.
4. What meds do you presently take?
5. You mentioned a depressed state for most of your life?..Then the added anxiety arrived and when?..

It appears that a huge % of your anxiety is rooted in worry over something. Is that correct??.

Shit I just got denied by my Gov to receive disability so then I just called the real estate people to visit me. F**k it..if I can't afford it then I gotta get out. Not going to worry about it either because if it sells great, if it doesnt then the mortgage comp can eat it for all I care! ...That is a piece of the puzzle that will enable you to find a key to unlock the entrance point of anxiety to kick his ass back out..Its called "acceptance" of things one doesnt find to be "acceptable".. Gotta roll with it bruh..
