View Full Version : Where to start ?

09-27-2012, 10:09 AM
Hi guys I'm new to this so please bare with me , to be honest I don't know where start I'm a 29 yr male who's been suffering with something that's I dont even no what it is for years now ,I'm to embarrased and scared to go see a doctor or even talk to my family about it ,it's ruined my life up till now ,I've lost many friends and girlfriends because of being afraid of going out and when I do it's so hard I never enjoy my self and have to get drunk just to get through it ,I've had the same dead end job since I left school because it's easy and I get left alone ,I use to be this confident ,out going person now avoid people I know ,I didn't have the best of up bringing my father was violent and abusive forwards me at times .in the last 18 months I've met the most beautiful, caring girl you could imagine ,She told me she had a anxiety and OCD disorder before I even mentioned my problems and explained what it was ,she thinks I have the same , shes pregnant and were so happy but I'm worried that this may effect me being a good dad ,I've got a list of things I've write down .redface constantly ,blushing ,palpations ,scared of socialising ,hair loss,fatigue ,mood swings ,anger ,fear ,worrie about everything ,jaw and joint aches ,pains in my chest and ribs area , sprained feeling in arms ,headaches ,tingling feeling in body ,lack of sleep ,very forgetful ,body feeling hot ,the list goes on and on .another thing is a voice in my head about horrible thought especially about my family and girlfriend its heartbreaking it's a constant battle feel like I'm goin crazy .would really appreciate any replys or help or information etc would be grateful thank you ,sorry for the how long it is .

09-27-2012, 10:40 AM

1. Follow every suggestion that you see here, whether from my fingers or another members fingers.
2. Stop ignoring, avoiding, evading, this condition because you're doing exactly what "it" wishes for you to do..this is how it digs in and forms a strong root base.
3. You must now begin digging it up, and removing it asap.
4. Go see a Dr asap. Ask your gf, friends, family, for a referral. GO.
5. Either copy THIS page and take it with you, or write this ALL out to present to the Dr. Period.
6. Forget about the job being a dead end, it is a job, with income, with stability, and you're capable and able to work. I am not..Embrace the job.
7. Forget about your Father and his immature, idiotic behaviors. Bury the past, delete it, remove the memory, file it away..Do not re-visit it. You can not change the past.
8. This WILL affect your ability to be a parent in every aspect and regard, let alone a good parent. You will fall apart..
9. ALL of the symptoms you've listed here are caused by (high anxiety, phobia, social anxiety, fear, and probably high BP too)..
10. After you visit the Dr, present this, get an AD and a benzo, then ask for a referral to see a therapist asap. Anyone that is available the quickest..

You're not alone. We've ALL either been where you are, or still presently stuck in the exact same spot that you are..

The quicker you react, the quicker your recovery, the more likely you'll survive this.

Do you understand?..and put the "I'm ashamed" bullshit in a bag and seal it up because that is what "it" wants you to feel..remove it from your vocabulary, thoughts, mind..

Am I being clear enough here?

Trust me new friend, act fast, swift, precise, sharp..and grab this by "its" neck before "it" grabs you.


09-27-2012, 10:51 AM
Thanks man really appreciate your reply ,means a lot, I've been dealing with this for years now and it's just got a little bit to much recently . I will defiantly print and take what I've write down as I seem to clam up whenever I get to the doctors and don't say anything .

09-27-2012, 10:55 AM
Thats why I suggested to print this page, that is also very common bruh..You just gotta make a move and attack "it" before "it" attacks you like me friend...NOTHING to be ashamed of or feel odd about here man. Just go, for your sake and the sake of your new fam too.. Be a MAN.


09-27-2012, 10:59 AM
I think that's the thing as well is being ashamed

09-27-2012, 11:00 AM
and not knowing what the problem
Is but it's time to deal with it now like you said I have a family now .

09-27-2012, 11:05 AM
Yup..you can not be selfish now dude. Its time...


09-27-2012, 11:12 AM
Ok man , how did you get it across to your doctor what was up ?did you just tell him everything or write it down ?,as it's easy to say what you want on here different in person .

09-27-2012, 11:23 AM
As easy as it was for you to type this post..print it, hand it to the Dr..and wait for the 1st question. That's it. 1st Step to recovery bruh.

09-27-2012, 11:28 AM
If you don't mind me asking ,what treatment did you receive and how are you getting on now ? Sorry for so many questions just trying to find out as much information as I can .

09-27-2012, 11:28 AM
Take a paper, and write down when you feel, what you feel, what was you doing, what was your thoughts for the day or every other day, and show it to the doc.

09-27-2012, 11:33 AM
Thanks Isapphirel ,its all new to me first time in years I'm actually trying to do something about it , have a little one on the way so need to sort my self out .

09-27-2012, 12:49 PM
How am I getting along and what do I take?..Go to my profile, I have everything you can think of that you do not want...

12-16-2012, 02:12 PM
I have fatigue a lot too. I am worried it could be something serious but after reading this and loads of other topics it seems it is a lot with anxiety.

12-16-2012, 04:11 PM

Step 1/ Tell your doctor of ALL your problems.
He / she will then refer you to a psychologist.

Step 2/ The psychologist will assess you & recommend a specific treatment (probably cognetive behavioural therapy)

Step 3/ Take & embrace the treatment.

Once you've had several sessions, you will most likely understand & accept the underlying cause(s) of your issues.
Once you understand & accept, THEN you can start making headway.