View Full Version : New reason to be scared

09-26-2012, 08:58 PM
So I just started nursing school which is highly stressful and has exacerbated my anxiety to its maximum potential. To make matters worse I had a lecture on stress and anxiety and almost had to run out of the class panicking . I learned that anxiety can actually kill you!!! It is very harmful for your body! That really scares me because what happens if I can never get control over my anxiety? And to top it off the teacher was talking about how electric convulsive therapy is used a lot now in days and is very beneficial. I do not want to have to get that therapy that is terrifying to me!!

09-26-2012, 09:01 PM
I am a product of what happens if you never control it..You need some meds Nurse!!! (beta blocker, benzo, or heck try an OTC called doxylamine especially if you have nothing to assist you..


09-26-2012, 09:03 PM
I think electric convulsion therapy would be a great exchange for the meds the Dr wants me to take!! Strap me in!! YAY!

09-26-2012, 09:17 PM
I agree eman, i would take it in a second haha!!

Nurse, how are they saying it can kill u?? I know having anxiety can sort of "break ur brain" or lead to cns problems, blow out ur adrenals, or give u dysrhythmias... But i am a paramedic and i have never picked up a patient who was dying/died solely from anxiety. Everyone dies from embolisms, blocked arteries, injuries, od'ing, infections, cancer... Ive never ever picked up anyone dead just because of anxiety. Dont scare me lol

09-26-2012, 09:26 PM
Ps. I this fear has anything to do with ur heart, just know that ur heart refuses to stop beating. Even if ur normal pacemaker breaks, its got multiple backup ones to keep u alive at least til u get help. And anxiety isnt going to break ur SA node anyway. I dont know if thats the direction u were coming from with the fear of death but i hope that helps lol. I know ur still a student but after u graduate and work for a while u see how much a person's body can handle and it seems to be a lot. For me i just HATE the feeling of anxiety but the thought of it killing me just doesnt cross my mind because we humans can really take quite a pounding and still live. Just try to relax. Sheesh i would take a xanax for class if my instructors had gone all doomsday on me LOL!!!!

09-27-2012, 08:43 PM
Thankyou everyone!!! In my textbook it didn't specify anxiety as a direct case of death but chronic stress leading to all sorts of problems.. I apologize I do not have more details I will post them when I open up my text this weekend and give you more specifics. It also said that chronic anxiety could lead to psychosis!' That is not reassuring because one fear with anxiety is going crazy and apparently a person can actually go crazy... That's no fun :( and for wells you are totally right !! I like the way you differentiate stress and anxiety that makes a lot of sense and I have never thought of it that way !! :)

09-27-2012, 09:32 PM
Meh, codswallop in my opinion. I see anxiety how forwells see's it, just the body reacting to stress and needing a change. Let's see, since I've gotten anxiety, I've defeated a Video game addiction (Which is REALLY good for me), and I no longer drink 4-5 cans of soda a day, I don't eat junk food as much anymore, I exercise (When I don't have a super heavy head and tension headache like today BAH), and yeah. Anxiety has actually helped me rid of things I couldn't do before.

I couldn't just stop playing games before, I couldn't just stop drinking soda, I'd do it for maybe a day or two, then right back in full force. I was sitting on World of Warcraft and anxiety came up and tapped me on the shoulder all like, "Hey buddy..... BOO!!" and I'm like "AHMIGOD!! Panics! Fine fine, the video games are out!" and anxiety would be all like "Yup. That's right. See how good it feels now?"

:3 It's not an illness, nobody here is going to lose their minds, because we're here to heal. We're doing something about it, not letting it envelope us whole.