View Full Version : Muscle issues

09-26-2012, 06:03 PM
Be been dealing with anxiety for over 10 years. Lately, the past 6 months or so, I've been having weird muscle issues and am wondering if anyone has the same. First my body with twitch, like everywhere. Arms, legs, face. Sometimes my extremities will get very tight and almost burn? Especially in my shoulder. I constantly have pain in my chest muscles. Even though it's scary most of the time, I've pretty much ruled out heart attack because it's so constant. My doctor wants me to see a neurologist but I haven't made the appointment yet. I've had an MRI and my doctor says its not ms. So I'm scared I'm having seizures. Any advice? Maybe just a lack of water and potassium? Thanks guys.

09-26-2012, 06:12 PM
Also I get severe leg cramps in my calves, ankles, and where my ankle bends. Sometimes after I do any exercise out of my norm it wakes me up at night.

09-26-2012, 07:31 PM
Had to try to make some sense of this one for you, because weightlifting is no longer an option. All I can do without too much pain now is push these keys. The all over body twitching is a side effect of extreme anxiety and tension. It is your nervous system (which is an electrical circuit and current) causing those weird sensations that you're not ordering it to do. It is the beginning stages of the potential for your adrenal systems, endocrine systems, all other body control glands, to go completely haywire and out of your control. You won't understand what exactly is happening to your body as your mind will simply be a bystander on a parade route that is scary as hell..The burn that you mention could potentially be the beginning of a much more sinister disease and not a disorder or condition. The disease is not treatable, the condition is. This is where anxiety eventually leads people if left untreated and ignored. It isnt a heart attack, and it isnt an actual seizure but is seizure like. You're not epileptic, and a neurologist isnt going to be of much help to you either. It is anxiety and "its" available allies causing all of this to happen. The fact that you're having muscle spasms means its time to seek medical treatment for the condition. The pain and soreness where the ankle bends, is the most threatening part of your entire post to me because that is the starting point for diseases of the (autoimmune system) thats strength is within your stomach and intestinal linings. If that is being weakened by anxiety, lack of proper nutrition, bad eating habits, lack of sleep, lack of water intake along with the necessary vitamins to sustain healthy life then you've got alot to work on, real fast...You're in the final stages of this affliction and where you go from here is up to you, but must be done asap before you're placed in my same condition and health. I can handle this, I was built to deal with this..others are not.

Act quickly because time is running out after 10 years..


09-26-2012, 07:52 PM
Thanks for your reply, but I'm confused. Are you saying I have anxiety or a disease? What disease and who can I talk to if a neurologist won't help? I'm kinda freaking out, and wondering what will happen next?

09-26-2012, 09:07 PM
You do have anxiety, that is very clear to me, and yourself too. You have ALL the classic symptoms. You do not yet have a disease but if this anxiety is allowed to continue its growth, then yes..you will eventually end up with a disease. I have (2) caused by anxiety..untreatable. Its just there all the time..


09-26-2012, 09:15 PM
You do have anxiety, that is very clear to me, and yourself too. You have ALL the classic symptoms. You do not yet have a disease but if this anxiety is allowed to continue its growth, then yes..you will eventually end up with a disease. I have (2) caused by anxiety..untreatable. Its just there all the time..


What's the disease? Just curious

09-26-2012, 09:20 PM
Rheumatoid arthritis, and trigeminal neuralgia. Both are by-products of high anxiety..

09-26-2012, 09:31 PM
^^^ wow i had no idea eman sorry to hear that. Have u managed it well on supplements alone? It's sad to have anxiety progress so far :( I hope ur doing well