View Full Version : A glimpse into my world of stresses...Yes, it fouls up my thoughts too.

09-26-2012, 04:08 PM
Let's see, maybe a few weeks back in time. (I hate this, but it may help). I finally made it back to work on Aug 25th as I was FORCED not to work since May 28th. I worked a Grand Total of 25 hrs in that week. I then spent the next 6 days face down on the couch, slobbering, and couldn't wake up or even think correctly. Hmm, so my triumphant return and attempt to succeed once again!! Is smashed, crushed, and ruined like a really bad re-run or a scene in ones life. I then figured out WTF was going on at day 7? Not ONLY does this health issue affect my joints, tendons, ligaments..NOOO,, it also affects every single organ in my body INCLUDING my pea brain. I was not sore, nor in any pain, just a walking Zombie "E" Male Dude. I fixed that really quickly with an NSAID and then I was nearly as good as new. Internal "inflammation" that I had no idea was even there. It was squeezing my tissues, organs, brain, and created extreme exhaustion in the process that made me feel like Sleeping Ugly. I then went back to work and my body would allow me a whole 4 hours of productivity before it said "I quit!". I know its still too early to tell how this is going to affect me throughout the remainder of my life but I keep learning more, and more about it...

Then, throw on top of that the fact that my oldest dumbass, addict, daughter of mine..surrendered her son to his paternal Grandmother at this same time. AFTER I had just spent all of March, April, and half of May trying to get him away from her using all LEGAL means necessary. To no avail..He's 2. Ok, so I just thought this is a good thing because he's now in actual safe, caring, capable, and mature hands now so maybe my battle was won. Then I hear she's now drunk all the time too. (just turned 21 June 18th)..yay, thats great. I forgot about that issue and began again to re-focus on tryin to get my freakin body to cooperate with me so I could earn some money. Then, my youngest daughter (who still lives here, that I have raised alone since Nov 2007) is out driving around in one of my cars as she had been, even though she just had a (learners permit) and I was SUPPOSED to be with her until Dec..calls me last Sat am. "Hey Dad, I got into an accident lastnight.".. UHHH, NO YOU DI UNT!! (sigh)... Yes, a 400 pound deer ran into the drivers side door and of course buckled it, broke the glass, and then flipped around and hit the rear of my car too. This is the SAME door I just paid $300 to get opened because the latch failed and no one could open it, had to go to an auto-body repair shop. The door is folded now, wont shut..and the car had no comp ins on it so...the deer hit?..Cha-Ching!!! Out of my pocket to fix it, and I was gettin ready to SELL THE STUPID CAR THE NEXT WEEK!!!...

That being typed, I think you can see where maybe some of my anxiety still comes from but yet I tell myself that "There's a reason for everything that happens in this life".. I just have to figure out WHY?..

I know that a case of beer would blank out my mind, but yet when I came too..the messes would still exist. Damn it!!!


Thanks for reading..
