View Full Version : Another Newbie

Bryan Ritchie
09-26-2012, 12:01 PM

Just joined the forum today and thought I'd introduce myself. I'm a stay-at-home dad of 4 adopted kiddos under 11 years old. Over the past few years, managing the kiddos and life itself just really stressed me out. I thought that this was just a season of life and would pass. Well... Late last year, I thought I was having an heart attack and ended up in the ER. They couldn't find any evidence of a heart attack and directed me to a cardiologist who ran a million tests and determined my heart is in good condition. So... I wasn't really sure what had just happened.

Then, over the next few months I had other issues, which I know now were panic attacks. I actually had my wife come home from work 2 different times because I was convinced that I was going to die. I knew at the time this was crazy, but still experienced the panic attack in all its glory. Then, about 2 months ago my mind just started constantly racing and I was worrying about everything. Anxiety started to dominate each and every day. So, I went to my doctor who gave me some Xanex... Immediate relief! I was so excited. He stated to take it when I felt anxious or had a panic attack and would be well. Well... Within just the first week or two I found that I needed them just about every day. Not much mind you .5mg, but still every day. I started asking around and found out that might lead to addiction, so I went back to my doctor and he gave a script for 20mg daily of Celexa.

So, I started Celexa (generic) a little over a week ago. I have already seen my anxiety slowing down. I'm taking much less Xanex and had 3 days in a row with none at all. I'm having some trouble with waking up and not being able to go back to sleep, but I'm not sure it is the Celexa or my knowing that it is a possible side affect. Anxiety is fun, huh?

Any way, I'm learning that there are lots of folks out there that struggle with these issues and I'm not crazy and/or alone in these struggles. Hoping that the coming months and years will provide some relief this anxiety and the panic attacks. Looking forward to learning more from you folks in the forums.

09-26-2012, 01:05 PM
celexa is non addictive ...slowly come out from xanax .....but try cbt .....medicine can supress but never cure .....

09-26-2012, 01:14 PM
Wow..You're a strong man in many different ways in dealing with 4 adopted kidlets. My kids drove me up the wall, especially my 2 daughters..because theyre just like me! Stupid genetics! Agreed, xanax is by far the most refined and precise chemical ever manufactured IMHO. It does however get a "bad wrap" with the whole addiction story that you speak of as people with actual clinical anxiety are not the problem nor are they, us, them a part of the overall picture anyway. I take 2 to 3mg just to go to sleep, along with 150mg of diphenhydramine too. I have done this for years and no, the body doesnt have a continual need for more and more either. There is a dependence of course as it is the ONLY chemical that is capable of (complete mind, thought, brain) shutdown. There is no better alternative out there, or available today and long term effects prove no physical maladaptations or deformities either.

I hope the celexa is helpful to you in alleviating some of the anxietal symptoms but I will say (type) that generally speaking that particular medication has been known to produce restlessness and excitability in many people especially when used in patients with clinical anxiety. I hope that you're at least taking it in the am with breakfast to help the body to adjust and to build chemical blood saturation levels. Not the best to be taken at night or late afternoon generally speaking. Celexa is a fairly well tolerated AD with minimal sides other then the 2 listed above and maybe also a higher heart rate, pulse, and slightly higher BP also. I wonder also if maybe you weren't a perfect candidate for a beta-blocker too? If your BP was within normal ranges at your Dr's visit after leaving 4 kids at home then you're probably OK but I kinda find it hard to believe it was within normal ranges while there..just a thought.

Uh, yeah..there's ALOT of people out here that struggle with these same general issues and its my job to try to be sure that they dont end up where I am..because this is where it takes you. Land of The Lostville...Its way more scaryier here then it is there newbie, but I was built to handle this aspect of it as there is no fear in me..just frustration.

