View Full Version : blurry spotty vision

03-28-2007, 04:05 PM
Is this normal for anxiety or is it something I should be worried about. I have noticed my left eye has been spotty or blurry during the day. Yet when I close my right eye... seems to be normal.

I am kind of freaking out and off course, a girl I know just was diagnosed with M.S. which was started with blurry eye etc.

Please let me know if someone has had this, or should I go see a doctor... I just hate seeing a doctor as always there I feel like they know me... And all know I am crazy, hahaha Ya I can laugh at myself.

Please comment... appreciated

03-28-2007, 04:25 PM
i dont know really..i had like a blurry vision there for about a week..not all the time just about once a day for like ten minutes..it was in my right eye and it was like a line of blur down the middle..but i havent had it lately..but that was also before i got on medication..soo..im sure that didnt help you out any..but i just thought id say i had the same for about a week.

04-01-2007, 05:29 AM

Have you heard anything back about this?

I get blurry vision when I'm on a computer, and trying to focus.

I'm on various tablets at the mo, which have that as side effects, I've mentioned it to my doctor, but he didnt see a cause for concern, I've also had eye tests and they have come back fine.

Any news for you?


04-01-2007, 03:59 PM
Hi People

I get it all the time. Im currently working at a supermarket while at uni and i sometimes have difficulty foucsing on thins at the other end of the store. I also get it when i go to football matches or generally in oipen spaces. I also get dark patches in my vision especially after looking at a bright light.

The encouraging news is its one of the most common symptoms of anxiety (from what i read) but i know how annoying/ worrying it is. Im currently on tablets (citalopram) and it has helped a bit altough i can still feel the problem occasionley. Just dont give up. Feel free to pm me whenever you like.



hank freid inn
06-14-2008, 04:44 AM
Sound very much like the start of pre-eclampsia again. In the beginning it seems like they won't take you serious until it's life threatening. Try to rest and drink plenty of water and take Tylenol. It won't make it go away, but it might ease the pain some. Make sure you get both the blood pressure AND protien in your urine checked. My office is really laxed about the urine, but my protien spilled long before my bps went up.