View Full Version : HELP PLS. I feel I have lost the plot

09-25-2012, 08:03 AM
Hi all
Where to start.
I suffer with very bad anxiety to the point where I am now not taking my children too school.
The minute I wake up till the time I go to bed I'm anxious even when I'm in bed trying to sleep my brain is working over time.
It is having a huge impact on my every day living. I have lost control and can't see no where out.
It dose not help I also have a eating disorder. I'm very under weight with no energy.
Every night I wish I would wake up normal but I'm still waiting.
The feeling of anxiety makes me feel so sick I can't eat.
I'm stuck in a black hole.
Can any pls help or advice me.
I don't want to suffer anymore and its not fair on my children there my world.

09-25-2012, 08:17 AM
Please, please eat something. If i dont eat within an hour of me getting up, my anxiety will strike to 50%. i know you dont feel like eating, you cant eat, you feel like you wanna puke when you eat, but put at least 2 spoons of food every hour, it will get better.

start with soups. then alternate solids and liquids and it will get better. you also need to drink lots of water.

after you start eating, maybe youd want to start sending the kids to school? take 1 step at a time. eat first, gain strength, send the kids.

hopefully the anxiety will lessen.

Read the sticky thingy, it helps!

09-25-2012, 09:06 AM
You really have to eat - low blood sugar will make your anxiety worse. Bless your heart, I have been exactly where you are. CBT has really helped me. There is a good link to some CBT worksheets in the sticky thingys as the above poster said. Now go eat!

09-25-2012, 09:16 AM
> I suffer with very bad anxiety to the point where I am now not taking my children too school.

Blimey... I would have loved a mum like you when I was a kid!

Me: School today, mum?
Mum: NO!
Me: But I'm not ill!?
Mum: Don't care... i'm anxious innit

No, seriously... what the hell?

How long's this been going on for? where's Dad? anything happened recently that's elevated your anxiety?
Any traumas, past or present?

Do you have medication?
Have you seen a doctor recently?

(no more questions, your honor)

09-25-2012, 09:21 AM
Blimey... I would have loved a mum like you when I was a kid!

Me: School today, mum?
Mum: NO!
Me: But I'm not ill!?
Mum: Don't care... i'm anxious innit

Is your mum a chav? lol

09-25-2012, 09:46 AM
>Is your mum a chav? lol

lol... no, the "innit" was just for show.

She's a Geordie, actually... so let's re-write:

ME: School today, mum?
Mum: Nah man, ya bastad man Dazza
ME: But I'm not ill!?
Mum: Eye divvent gives a shite man, Dazza bastad man... I'm orrrlll anxious man.
ME: Hoorahhh!


09-25-2012, 09:48 AM
By the way, you are your NETI POTS...

The word NETI is actually Geordie for BOG, lol

As in:

I need to Gan tee the NETI ta dee a durty greaat big shite man.

09-25-2012, 10:03 AM
Really? Omg HAHAHA bog pot :)

You do make me chuckle.

09-25-2012, 10:26 AM
You really have to eat - low blood sugar will make your anxiety worse. Bless your heart, I have been exactly where you are. CBT has really helped me. There is a good link to some CBT worksheets in the sticky thingys as the above poster said. Now go eat!

Thank you for your post. I will have a look. Because I have lost control over everything else I am using food as a way to gain some control bk.
It's doing me more harm then good.
Thanx again :)

09-25-2012, 10:40 AM
> I suffer with very bad anxiety to the point where I am now not taking my children too school.

Blimey... I would have loved a mum like you when I was a kid!

Me: School today, mum?
Mum: NO!
Me: But I'm not ill!?
Mum: Don't care... i'm anxious innit

No, seriously... what the hell?

How long's this been going on for? where's Dad? anything happened recently that's elevated your anxiety?
Any traumas, past or present?

Do you have medication?
Have you seen a doctor recently?

(no more questions, your honor)

Lol I'm the best mum ever at the moment in my children's eyes.

Life has thrown some bad stuff my way since the age of 13.
I was on top of it then recently me and my children were threatened and that was a massive knock back.
My baby father works long hours and is only about in the evenings he is my rock.
I'm under doctors and mental health team.
I have been on anti depresents since 16 I'm now 27 and stoped meds 6 months ago. Sorry about spelling
:) did I answer all questions lol