View Full Version : defeated

09-25-2012, 07:27 AM
I was told by my Medical officer that practicing breathing would help, but you know what, it didnt, i went to the A&E last night after the practice. he doesnt believe me when i say these 2 things, my menses is causing an almost full blown attack and that the breathing is not helping me at all. I was feeling restless, its like seconds before the death sensations come, thats what i felt. i cant stop my anxiety, and it started with the breathing practice!

Now, at the A&E, the doc attending to me said that PA is just hyperventilation. I must admit, i did have the thought, i wish youd have it and then come tell me its just hyperventilation. So i asked again, i think since my PA, ive seen more than 10 docs, none said that my panic had to do with my menses or hormones or thyroid or adrenal gland, the A&E doc said, it is not related as there are no facts or history that says these hormones, adrenal, thyroid are related and could be culprits to anxiety.

So fast forward the next day, which is this morning, i went to see another doc, and he said, he cant refer me to other hospitals or do the test, i have to go back to my psychiatrist to get these test done. i told him my psychiatrist would dismiss it, he said that is the best and fastest way.like ive said in my previous threads, my psychiatrist dont think its related and its just my anxiety.

Why i think that i might have one of these issues, first my first PA was right after my menses. and the following month, again during, before and after my menses it gets high on PA, and this month, in fact right now, i have PA, not full blown but i cant stop it, i need the meds to stop it, but i dont eat meds cause its gonna freak me out more. im gonna be very dependent on it if i start taking it. i wanna heal naturally. i dont want meds, which leads me to just feel so defeated now.

I cant get a simple test done. i just dont know what to do. im just lost.

how is it i cant get help. this is just bull lots. i dont wanna be thrown with meds.

09-25-2012, 09:11 AM
I'm going to a naturopath and having saliva testing done. I always have more problems around that time of the month and I'm sure it IS related. I'm not done with testing yet so I don't have an answer but I feel your pain.

09-25-2012, 09:32 AM
Here's what I reckon...

Remember what a panic attack actually is... it's a primitive reaction to danger... FIGHT OR FLIGHT mode.
(Fight or flight isn't a myth... it's very REAL)

Now then, anxiety is kinda like a worry that lurks in the background. Waiting for a reason to COME OUT AND PLAY!
To an extent, we can keep that worry at bay and go about our business, but if something stressy comes along then anxiety is
unleashed, which in turn often turns ON panic mode.

In your case, the menstruation cycle is doing all kinds of weird and wonderful stuff to your inner workings... and this is PERFECT opportunity
for the lurking anxiety to come out and wreak havoc.

By now, you'll also have a panic-by-association. In other words, you've already convinced yourself you'll have an attack during mensturation...
therefore the self-fulfilling prophecy prevails.

09-25-2012, 09:33 AM
Im trying to find the cause of the anxiety and these freaking docs ask me to practice to breathe. seriously!

In a month, theres 30 days, 10 days or maybe more i have high anxiety, and the difference is, i cant control it when it strikes during my menses, but i can control it when im not on my menses period most of the time, like 90% of the time, but these docs just wont do the damn test and they kept saying it aint related and its just my anxiety and that i need to control it by breathing. grrrr

what is the saliva testing about? sorry for the rant, im a little frustrated.

i think i need to just scream, cry and just breakdown at the hospital before someone finally can understand what im trying to say without dismissing their search facts and books they learn or their computer with systems that actually search for symptoms when attending to patients. omg.

09-25-2012, 09:46 AM
dazza, i have thought about that too, worrying and make believe that i am having panic menses worries. unless i get the test done, im not dismissing anything, there are infacts therapies for the hormone imbalance and adrenal imbalance, i just havent been able to get past my current docs for a chance at the gynae area. meaning, im not tested for anything from the gynae area because my current docs wont allow it.

i havent really have the full body check up before being diagnosed with PD. I managed to get the heart and kidney blood test. thats all about it.

09-25-2012, 09:54 AM
I was gonna say, the only way you're gonna STOP anxiety is if you can completely re-balance your body during menstruation such that you feel no different... therefore not allowing anxiety anything to grab hold of, as it were.

Unlikely... but I've heard that certain foods and vits. a week or so BEFORE menstruation occurs prepares your body for the impending cycle and lessons the effects thereof.

Trouble is, when you do the breathing... it's reminding you that you have anxiety which in turn can trigger it. I actually DON'T do these exercises on a conscious level... I'm trying to breath more deeply ALL THE TIME.

My sister's fainting was completely cured by deeper breathing... you'll be amazed at the effects.

09-25-2012, 09:59 AM
Just thinking outside the box here...

I wonder if you've got some kind of aversion to menstruation. Perhaps you think it's gory or particulaly yucky? (be honest here)

Aversions can often lead to anxiety.

If this is the case, you are best off sitting down and logically reminding yourself what mensturation actually is.
How, in actual fact... beautiful the process is in terms of its association with LIFE itself...

Perhaps if you get to LIKE menstruation... your anxiety of it will dissappear.

09-25-2012, 10:10 AM
tell me please what vitamins and foods? if you dont mind sharing or maybe have a link that i can look at? i am willing to try. Yeah, i hate the breathing thingy. seriously. i dont like the countdown, its like pushing me to an edge.

I think i get what you mean by breathing in more deeply all the time. its not signalling my body with."ok relax, close your eyes, breathe.. in.. 1.. 2.. 3.. out.. 1.. 2.. 3.." and honestly, in high midst of an attack, that numbers goes all over the place, i cant even think properly and i need time to recall.

your sister fainted due to anxiety?

09-25-2012, 10:18 AM
Are you kidding? i am so happy when my menses comes! lol. before it was only once every 3months. and docs cant find an answer to this. after the PA it came every month!!

although, there was an event where i had loss a lot of blood and refused transfusion, so, the doc told me, if i am on my menses, i will lose more blood, so each time my menses came, i will eat a lot of meat and dark green vegetables.

and i have this aching pain at my back bone where your spine is when i am having my cycle. its most painful around the cycle period.

menses to me means, im healthy and not pregnant lol. i have 3 already. its enough for now.

09-25-2012, 10:20 AM
dazza, thank you, you are actually helping me to remind myself in a way for events that might be normal for me, but not to others and this will go into my notes lol.

09-25-2012, 10:24 AM
Are you on the pill or anything?

09-25-2012, 10:34 AM
Are you on the pill or anything?

nope. no pills, patches or injections, or inserts, just condoms lol.

09-25-2012, 10:46 AM
There's been quite a lot of chat on here about this same subject. Quite a comprehensive one recently (with links) if I recall.
You should do a search.

I can't find the exact links I found previously but here are a couple regarding foods:



You should eat the above during the week(s) leading up to and during menstruation to get full benefit.

Seriously... do a search for previous, identical topics.

09-25-2012, 10:47 AM
nope. no pills, patches or injections, or inserts, just condoms lol.

Maybe the pill would help? Idk, hormones n stuff lol

09-25-2012, 10:51 AM
Q. Do you take pills?

A. No, just condoms

Errrr... I would rather swollow the pills! lol

09-25-2012, 11:00 AM
pills are weight gainers. well, it runs in my family, and im the only tiny one left in my family. not implying on anything, but i think im gonna have more anxiety if i have to worry about more stuffs lol 153cm at 46kg. was at 48kg when the pa, brought it down to 42kg.

i seem to have this hate for pills lol, even before the PA. maybe i should give it a try, but lol, i cant swallow pills. serious. i need to break them up to pcs. lol.

Thank you Dazza for the links!! thank you jhunter for the laugh. lol and falcon, thanks for sharing and telling me im not alone.

09-25-2012, 11:01 AM
lol... my missus gags on pills 'n all.

It's like watching a cat bring up a furr ball.... bloody hilarious if I'm honest.

09-25-2012, 11:11 AM
I'm alright unless they are big pills lol

09-25-2012, 11:23 AM
>unless they are big pills

Like a pessary?

wrong hole pmsl

09-25-2012, 11:27 AM
Shit.. Are you not meant to swallow those? :-/


09-25-2012, 11:30 AM
i am 100% sure its anxiety ...my friend was having same problem ....dont worry its panic relapse

09-25-2012, 11:31 AM
lmao! you both are hillarious. dazza yes i gag with pills bigger than my lorazepam 0.5mg lol. theres no cure for it i assure you. haha.

09-26-2012, 10:19 AM
What a f**kin post! Ok, you want to stop this, this is bullshit, but you dont want or cant take meds?...Is that what I just read?.. Yes, J89 and DazzlerMan are hilarious and a part of your recovery process too!

E-Man. :)

09-26-2012, 10:55 AM
Aforce, There is such a thing called panic relapse? Please explain.

E Man, lol, i have always had issues with pills, since young, the pill has to be tiny or breakable. Capsules are a no no for me.

Yes both of them actually helped with my mini episodes. I normally get on here during my witching hours. Im addicted lol.

09-26-2012, 11:05 AM
Aw yay :) :)

09-26-2012, 11:53 AM
Ask for meds that are dissolvable, or even chew them up. I actually just chew or let whatever dissolve in my mouth anyway. Why? Because it bypasses the digestive processes and gets the medications where is is needed much more rapidly..digestion takes awhile, also digestion only allows certain %'s of the chemicals to actually be utilized by the body or mind anyway. Get this anxiety under control with much safer medications then the ones I am faced with ingesting...

09-26-2012, 10:57 PM
I always ask for meds that i can disolve lol. Like a little baby. Meds are scary i tell ya. I dont want to elaborate lol. It will put a lot of thoughts.

09-27-2012, 08:02 AM
Hi isapphirel, the saliva testing is for hormone levels so that she can recommend natural things I can try to balance them out. At least I think that's it, I guess I will find out when I go back! This naturopath is a retired OB/GYN and nutritionist - she does think that stress/anxiety are related to monthly cycles.

09-27-2012, 11:18 AM
Forwells, lol, i learnt not to let negative thoughts consume me, unfortunately, i am able to kick some fears off, not sure how i do it, guess im just stubborn by nature but some, i still dont know what to do about it. These balance fears have lingered way since before i had my attack, it just got worst lol.

I cant stay home alone, if any of my family members are off my sight i couldnt help obsessing what they are doing and if they dont reach on time, all the stupid thoughts comes. I am 100% paranoid with switches and locks, if i leave them locked, and somebody meddles with them and didnt lock it back, i get really upset. Things must be the same way i leave them lol.

Falcon, if you dont mind, could you update me of the meds they give or cream and what else they advice please? I went to a general doc but they wouldnt do it for me, they asked me to go back to my psychiatrist to ask for these test. My psychiatrist always brush it off as its not related. I am a little upset with this. No docs wanna help me! :(

09-28-2012, 08:16 AM
I will let you know what they say when I go back