View Full Version : heart attack

09-25-2012, 12:30 AM
Does any one else have random heart palpitations for no apparent reason ? I even get them when I am not feeling anxious or anything. Then I think I am going to have a heart attack and die. HELP.

09-25-2012, 02:18 AM
Does any one else have random heart palpitations for no apparent reason ? I even get them when I am not feeling anxious or anything. Then I think I am going to have a heart attack and die. HELP.

Yup all the time. I was told its normal. :/

09-25-2012, 02:36 AM
Worst case - palps can be an indication of a heart problem, therefore you should ALWAYS get yourself checked out just in case.
However, the fact that you're on an anxiety forum says that you suffer from excess anxiety or anxiety disorder, yes?

Rest assured that heart palps are very common & totally harmless - even for perfectly healthy people. Some people experience them daily but ignore them. Other people aren't even aware of them.

The awareness is the scary part. Sitting there waiting for them to happen is an absolutely sure-fire way of making them happen!

There might appear to be no reason, but actually... with anxious folk who have suffered anxiety for a LONG time, their tolerance to anxiety grows. Therefore even though their anxiety is mid to high, they're so used to it that they consider this "not anxious" (whereas in fact they are)

Since having developed anxiety disorder myself... heart palps have been occuring 2 to 3 times a week, but I've noticed both a physical and circumstantial pattern.

In terms of circumstance, my palps most often occur at WORK, where work can obviously be a stressy environment.
Also, since fearing bed time somewhat, I would also experience them in bed... usually lying on my back or my LEFT side.

The heart is already very sensitive (it needs to be in order to fire on the tiny electrical signal that control the pumping), so, because of this high sensitivity - it is somewhat vulnerable to external influences... including GAS! unusual nerve activitiy and of course anxiety.

Gas bubbles that are in contact with the VAGUS nerve can trigger extra beats, as can a fearful thought or worry.

The cure? don't think about them... go about your day as you would normally and miraculously they go away.

My dad suffered severe heart palps in his early 40's. After questioning him on this, it was obvious that the unplanned, late birth of my sister was the cause of his anxiety and worries.
He thought he was going to die!
He's now over 70 and hasn't had (or been aware of) a single palp since his 40's.

09-25-2012, 02:48 AM
Part 2:

In terms of physical, I can invariably detect when a palp is about to occur.

I will be aware of some anxiety. I might feel a little edgy or have some mild, physical symptoms which tell-tale anxiety is on the loose.

When a palp is about to occur, I find that all of a sudden I lose focus on what I'm doing. Kinda drift off or day dream if you like.
This is very sudden and only last for a split second.
(I guess it's actually a worry popping up in my head)

This can trigger a heart palp.

A mild argument with the missus a few months back also triggered it. The argument was petty and short lived, but it reminded me of a previous relaitonship where we'd ALWAYS be arguing (she was totally wrong for me!) and it was this historic thought that caused the palps.

Another symptom I notice is that of a kind of hollow chest... or something occuring in my chest... hard to explain. Usually accompanied by mild, brief breathlessness.
I can sense that fight or flight has been triggered... and to fight this particular stage I often have to concentrate REAL hard. Try and slap myself back to normality, if you like.

NOTE: For anxiety disorder sufferers - fight or flight often becomes automatic and we're not even aware of it starting (we know it has started by the time we feel the symptoms, we just aren't aware of the trigger or initialisation)
This is what makes anxiety such a bummer. It can become a normal part of everyday life. Yikes!

09-25-2012, 06:36 AM
All the time. When I have coffee or am pretty tense. They are harmless and actually....normal. Alankay

09-25-2012, 08:04 AM
Also, since fearing bed time somewhat, I would also experience them in bed... usually lying on my back or my LEFT side.

I have this like out of 100%, 80% of the time, its this way i get my palps. I think im gonna throw my bed. lol

09-25-2012, 08:57 AM
Yes, I have this a lot. It has taken me a while to understand this but even if you are not feeling particulary anxious, your body still is.

09-25-2012, 09:00 AM
*particularly sorry, I shouldn't try to use big words