View Full Version : Anybody know a good way to keep nightmares and anxious dreams at bay?

09-25-2012, 12:06 AM
Hey guys,

I've gotten to the point where I'm able to completely control my anxiety and maintain a good mood through most of the day. However, it is in sleep where it still haunts me...most nights are fine, but nearly every other night I have some form a dream that triggers feelings of anxiety in some way or another. I'm able to calm myself down after a little bit, but it just annoys me that I have to worry about sleeping now. It used to be where if I went to bed in the morning rather than at night, it'd be fine. but now even sleeping through the day I get them. It's kind of silly; I used to love dreaming and looked forward to sleeping at night. Now I dread it x.x

Anybody know a good way to help ward them off? Or perhaps some supplement that could help? :] thanks.

09-25-2012, 01:29 AM
Move your bed, also, what did you do before you sleep? Any worries, be honest.

09-25-2012, 04:37 AM
Why move the bed? and I usually watch funny shows or movies before bed, lately I've been watching Mr.Bean. That's where the trouble is, I can't see that doing it because it makes me laugh and forget worries. I suppose though, when I'm finally just closing my eyes ready to drift off, I think about not having a nightmare and having a good dream instead. The only worry is really having a nightmare x.x