View Full Version : Working out!!!

09-24-2012, 06:52 PM
So today starts the first day of working out for me in 7 months!! Feeling better already!

09-24-2012, 06:58 PM
Nice nice! I need to get back on that as well. I used to be pretty ripped in High School, but not so much anymore. Tried doing 3 pullups the other day, felt sickly afterward and looked rather pale. I'm sure that's only because I'm out of shape though. I seem to lack the energy too. I may start back on my Maca Root capsules again, as they worked well for increasing my stamina and energy. Made me feel great too... that might actually be what helped my anxiety go away for like 4 months before, now that I think about it x,x

09-24-2012, 06:58 PM
I'm going to congratulate you and let this post bounce off of me too..I lifted for 5 solid years and was a beast at that. No more 500 pound days left in me, but I accept it now.. Get ripped dude!!


09-25-2012, 11:07 AM
Phew....500 pounds?? An anxious freight train, now that's a scary combination!

09-25-2012, 11:24 AM
I did some working out today...

I used a calculator though.

09-25-2012, 12:22 PM
I just got back from cycling myself. Rare day when no gear felt high enough for me. I was powering along.. Got the usual chest tightness and felt a bit anxious but usually that makes me ease off a little and fixate and worry. This time I though "Nope i'm going to push myself" and I really did. Unfortunately the tightness has remained so i'm going to have dinner then set about distracting myself as I know it's just anxiety but it's annoying and troublesome feeling this way ;)


09-25-2012, 02:18 PM
I SOOO miss that endorphin rush! (don't get much of a rush from a calculator as it usually says -,----, negative around here!).. Yes, belted with knees wrapped (so they didnt BLOW out) I was squattin 535 when my body quit on me and pullin 455 from the floor 8 times. Benchin was gettin strong too at 335, 7 times and then....IT WAS OVER. Done, stop, kaput.. No more gym life. Hell I can't even do my job of near 30 years anymore then 4 hours a day now, and that is truly frustrating. Everybody tries to be supportive and kind by sayin I still look like I got the mass going on but I know different just by how I feel and also by looking in the mirror too. Plus I'm down from 228 to 202 so that's a hell of alot of mass that will never return. I accept it, but it still sucks..All because of anxiety.

Even though I hunted "it' down and removed the threat from my life, mind, thoughts.."it" had other plans for me and attacked me back only to dictate the rest of my life. THIS IS BULLSHIT!!!...

Keep lifting, training, dieting, and living good while you all can.


09-25-2012, 02:31 PM
Out of interest, what are the possible long-term health hazzards with intense weight lifting?

I mean, I see these blokes (and women) with MASSIVE, bulging muscles... their veins like rivers, ready to pop out their skin and I think to myself...
OK, so you look good now, but where will all lead to in later life?

At what age should you stop? and how do you stop... slowly? what happens to the muscles, stretched skin & massive veins once you stop?

09-25-2012, 03:06 PM
You got the answer already bruh..Look at Arnold Schwartzeneggar now. He was my idol, when he was in his early years of course. The Austrian Oak. Steroids were legal at that time too. If they do not keep up the hectic muscle building work and pace, it just disappears like fat from an overweight person with the same stretch marks too..That type of bodybuilding is extremely dangerous and risky and it is all they do too. I was gettin massive but it was a slow progression of growth over a 5 yr period of time. Started training at 189 pounds in August 2006. Ended up at 228 5 yrs later but I was 39 when I started. Not the best of times to start when your hormones are going out the window..It became an addiction, obsession, passion. It was also extreme in a sense that I would TAKE MY OWN FOODS to Thanksgiving or Xmas dinners. It was f**ked up DazzMan. Gotta live a life like average people do, to fit in with average people rather then towering over everyone or wanting to crush everything in sight. It also changed my mentality too. The bigger and stronger I became, the meaner I also got as well. EXTREMELY overly aggressive even in the slightest of situations so at times I wonder if I wasnt supposed to get this disease to stop me from being a torment to myself and to others as well. I was always teetering on the brink of snapping..not anymore. There is also a fine line in that world too (weightlifting/bodybuilding) that should never be crossed. I crossed it, and I was a complete idiot for doing it too but it was because it created an addiction that anxiety feasted on. Only to feast on me in the end..

Such as life!


09-25-2012, 03:38 PM
Wholly shit...

It's often said that blokes want to get big because of psychological issues. Issues with feeling weak, small, unnoticed, not a real man because REAL men are supposed to be big, lack confidence... and the only way to get noticed & confident is to muscle-up.

I must admit... although I have an inherently good physique (thanks Dad!), I would LOVE to be a good 50% more bulkly than I am now. I just KNOW I would feel great.
My trouble is... I just cannot be arsed. I don't have the motivation.

09-25-2012, 04:17 PM
I didn't have the motivation either. I was living in a 1bd apt alone and goin through a divorce while my 3 kids lived 2 blcks away and I never saw them. I was trapped over there for nearly 10 months and my Dad brought me over some dumbells to occupy my time. It was like a prison sentence but thank God he brought them as a gift. It became obvious that it was going to be just me and the iron for awhile. Even after I finally got my home back, the kids then left with their wackjob Mother and I still never saw them so I turned my living room into a MAN CAVE of epic proportions. 1000+ pounds of iron all over everywhere..Its all I had and it never talked back nor let me down either. It kept providing me with a positive gain in many ways until my daughters were dumped on my doorstep 13 months after that and then they said "um, Mom just said we're going to live here with you but yer living room is filled with weights and stuff so people can see that when they visit?"..Really?..LMAO! I had to clean out the MAN CAVE and turn it BACK into a home for my extremely smart, yet completely retarded daughters..Then a gym membership to boot!. They had 100 pound dumbells though! YAY!! .. then it all crashed down on May 28th, reckoning day.

I will tell you, once you start training, lifting, excercising (in moderation and not like a gargantuan dumbass like I did) you'll notice yer anxiety will dissapate and disappear Dazzler..I'm being really serious too. Then, when you begin to train and also begin to track your food intake (everything about it) it will take your mind and body to new places that are real interesting and much more pleasing then the world in The Matrix is.

You just gotta take that 1st step. Then I can tell you how to get bulky and fast..13 pounds in 17 days kinda shit, and yes I'm bein serious here too.

Once you're in, remember just to not cross the line. You'll be faced with it just like I was. I tore my joints to shreds, then the disease did the rest for me..

End Man..

10-13-2012, 04:08 AM
Workout can add some confidence,way to go...

10-13-2012, 11:17 AM
Workout can add some confidence,way to go...

True.. so can alcohol! ;-)