View Full Version : weight loss and anxiety?

09-24-2012, 06:18 PM
hi i have been suffering anxiety for the first time over the last 2 weeks i have never had anything like it and am just trying to deal with it best i can i have had all tests and everything else and bloods all seem fine but for some reason cant seem to stop worrying something is wrong as i have never had anything like this before.
my question is do you loose weight when suffering from anxiety?? i have lost a few kilos in the last week alone my appeteite hasnt been good though i cant seem to physically eat at times .

09-24-2012, 06:23 PM
2 weeks??..You may have a chance! ..What EXACTLY are you worrying about? Simple question, and don't type IDK...first step. Yes, anxiety can take on many different shapes, forms, faces and it sounds as if its leading you down a really scary path and very quickly too. Yer at the right place.. Answer the ?


09-24-2012, 08:11 PM
2 weeks??..You may have a chance! ..What EXACTLY are you worrying about? Simple question, and don't type IDK...first step. Yes, anxiety can take on many different shapes, forms, faces and it sounds as if its leading you down a really scary path and very quickly too. Yer at the right place.. Answer the ?


it all started with this severe head ache i had that wouldnt go away i kept thinking i had a brain tumor or something and that seemed to of triggered it off since then have not been able to get rid of the anxiety i have had one attack only ever in my life and that was 12 months ago but have never suffered anymore till now the doc has prescibed some valium which i have had to take last night as it was bad and it did help but i just cant seem to stop thinking there is something wrong with me medically as now im worried about my weight loss it is really starting to get me down and it actually broke me down last night i feel like im loosing my mind i just dont understand why it has happened to me now and will it go away?? i seem to have the shaking inside all the time and its like my mind wont stop thinking of the worse case scenario thanks for your reply appreciate it heaps

09-25-2012, 09:34 PM
In short, yes you can loose weight due to anxiety. The weight loss does not come from the anxiety itself, but from not having an appetite, in which case you stated that you did not.

Health anxiety is very common, and if you will browse the many posts on this Site, you will see you're not alone in any of it. The best thing you can do is to learn to relax, learn to convince yourself that there is not a medical issue, and finally which I believe you have already done this but go to a doctor and have them give you an all clear ad far as medical issues and then you can build your confidence on that and go from there.

The keys to beating anxiety are relaxation, education, and repetition. Meaning that by relaxing you ease the tension that's causing you problems, by education you learn what symptoms are caused by anxiety and why they happen, and by repetition once you know what the symptoms are and why you have them you can tell yourself over and over that it's anxiety, you repeat it until you believe it and this is the key to freedom.

Also, be careful with the valium, im sure your doctor went over this, but that is a benzo it CAN be highly addictive and extremely difficult to get off of. I don't want to scare you away from it, if you need it, by all means take it. The key is to use only as much as you need only when you absolutely need it, just don't make it a daily habit and you will be fine..