View Full Version : GAD. Will i ever get over it?

03-27-2007, 10:28 PM
I am currently suffering from GAD and it has been on me now for about 7 months. I have previously had different bouts of anxiety, mainly about health issues but they would only last for about 4 months then i would feel normal again as soon as i could rationlise my thoughts. But one day i felt as though i had an out of body experience and was looking through the eyes of another person. Ever since then i have had strong anxious bodily sensations everyday that seem to be getting worse. I have never taken any medication for this and i am hoping to combat this problem without it. BUT, it feels like it is a loosing battle and it seems as though i will never feel normal again. I feel constantly on edge and shaky. I feel like i have a sore stomach constantly and i am constantly nervous. I really need some sort of reassurance. It seems as though i am focused on my anxiety 24/7 and can't snap out of thinking about it. At times i feel like ending it all because i don't want to feel like this anymore. Can someone please tell me if they don't feel the constant symptoms anymore to give me some sort of hope

V for Victor
03-28-2007, 11:01 AM
I've dealt with these same fears (health worries) for about four or five years now.

Fighting this monster is quite a battle when you're just doing it on your own. Believe me, I know. It CAN be done, but generally, medication and therapy make it easier.

I fully understand your concerns about going on medications. I didn't want to, either. But now I'm on pills for a year to see if I can learn to deal with my problems without them, as I gradually come off them. Will I be able to? I hope so.

But now that I've been on them, my mind is so much clearer, and I've researched and studied my condition. Understanding just what is going on in your brain can really help you get ontop of the problem.

You might also be interested in looking into something like Cognitive Behavorial Therapy, which can help you learn to address anxiety more and more automatically without such a struggle.

I know it seems like there's no way around it, but there is. Sometimes we need a little help in doing it, though.