View Full Version : Yeah,..I took a break for awhile because that's what my mind told me to do!

09-24-2012, 05:00 PM
I think yer all f**ked up, and so am I..YAY!

I bailed for abit because of a new member and their post. In fact, there were (2) new members that made me want to step back for abit. It was NOT their fault, intention, purpose. It was how my mind processed what I was reading. One of them was on (5) different f**kin meds that were all a huge clusterf**k of shit that her DR thought would be helpful. She was from the UK and may still be here, IDK..I wanted to strangle her f**kin DR for her, he made her into FRANKENSTEIN himself.. That was one. The other was a young fella typin about weightlifting and bodybuilding and giving me the impression he missed the gym badly. It took my mind backwards to a time that I too could go to a gym and it isnt because my mind won't let me, its because my BODY won't let me. You've all probably seen that story so I wont type it out again. It's painful as hell and its still pissin me off and frustrating me like you wouldn't believe. It will NEVER let me go either..I can't make this one let me go, like I could with anxiety. This one is haunting, tormenting, and I wish I could kick its ass too! NOPE..

Just wanted to say f**k you to all ole AF members and newbies too..in a nice way! :)


09-24-2012, 10:43 PM
YAY! Welcome back ya freakin weirdo :)

09-24-2012, 11:03 PM
Yay! Weirdo is correct. As you know, I have autoimmune system disorders. Painful conditions and weird reactions to different foods and such. It is that bad. I'm a vegetarian now and that in itself has helped greatly. Something I learned today. I drank some chocolate milk for energy as I was working on a freakin roof so energy is a must. I got sore, pain, and had to leave the job within 45 mins of drinking my most favorite energy producing (and when I was weightraining, the most muscle building food or drink you could use to recover)..This freakin milk has a chemical in it called (carrageenan) so I had to find the answer to WTF am I sore suddenly?...It is what the f**kin chemical does to humans but most are unaffected by it but since I have immune system malfunctions, and 60% of your immune systems response is in the intestines, and I just ingested a chemical used to make the milk taste thicker for texture and it comes from red seaweed..(wtf?).. I can NO longer have what I have had for a very, very long time because I get pain...WEIRD? Yes, but I now know why..Amazing what we're all forced to learn when we didnt even know we had to learn it..

E-WTF is next-Man...

09-25-2012, 01:15 AM
Aw man that sucks. If I couldn't eat my fave food or drink my fave drink any more it would make me so sad. I wish you well in your on going battle friend :)

09-25-2012, 01:34 AM
Its nice to see the E. Lol.

09-25-2012, 07:36 AM
Thank you for the warm welcome backs!..I have also been continueing research about this chemical mentioned above. I'm also going to post a link too as in this article it mentions (anxiety) and also (immune system disorders) too. Hate to type it, but it played a role in where I now am..
