View Full Version : Is my anxiety causing me to be depressed?

09-24-2012, 02:12 PM
Hi everyone, so basically I'm here for support and answers. Ive just arrived back off my holiday and I've been feeling really depressed (like I want to cry for no apparent reason) and I've had wild mood swings. I was fine before I went on my holiday, well apart from a little anxiety here and there but I've been controlling it Over the years and it's been getting slowly better but now I just feel so sad and my anxiety is sky high and I feel like I'm never going to recover! I have felt like this before once when my anxiety was really bad that I got to a point where I just wanted to curl up in a corner (only felt like that for a couple of days and then after that I felt 100% fine. So basically I just want to know if this is normal? Am I feeling like this because if just come from a totally relqxed anxiety free holiday? And when my anxiety is at its worse is that why I feel depressed ( I've only ever felt depressed when my anxiety has been really bad) thank you

09-24-2012, 02:18 PM
Depression is a common side effect of anxiety because anxiety can feel so defeating sometimes. Hope you feel better soon!

09-24-2012, 02:18 PM
No one wants to cry for no reason. There's always a reason.

Relationship problems? career problems? self image problems? money problems? generally think life is shit problems?

C'mon... spill the beans... what's bugging you?

09-24-2012, 02:23 PM
No one wants to cry for no reason. There's always a reason.

Relationship problems? career problems? self image problems? money problems? generally think life is shit problems?

C'mon... spill the beans... what's bugging you?

I seriously just feel like crying for no reason? I have a great job and a great family! I have no reason to feel sad! Apart from my anxiety, that can make me feel so sad. I believe it's just my anxiety. I want help but I don't want to see a doctor or tell my family. I just want advice and reassuring. Surely I can't be the only one who feels like this when there anxiety is at its worse? Maybe some tips or advice? Thank you!

09-24-2012, 02:49 PM
Ah, ok... when you said..."CRY FOR NO REASON" in your original post, I took it as literally that.

What you meant to say was... "My anxiety makes me want to cry". Yes?

09-25-2012, 02:18 AM
Ah, ok... when you said..."CRY FOR NO REASON" in your original post, I took it as literally that.

What you meant to say was... "My anxiety makes me want to cry". Yes?

Yes, that is correct. When my anxiety is really bad, that is when I feel depressed and sad. Maybe all the confusion from the anxiety makes me feel weak and depressed? Thank you

09-25-2012, 04:55 AM
Crying is a good way to release the built up pressure. When my anxiety gets really bad I sometimes just bow my head and sob,it really feels good after. Don't feel bad about cryin' since your a guy either, it's completely fine. :]

Yeah though, depression comes alongside anxiety at its worst. I agree with what somebody said above about it being because we feel we are being defeated by it and never will get better when it comes back after being gone. We think we've won but there it is again. Anxiety is a normal thing, so it WILL occur, its just our disorder that makes it occur more frequent than it does for others. In the tough times though, when anxiety returns and is really kickin your butt, just keep your head up. You got through it once, you were able to keep it under control and at bay, you can do it again for sure :P

What I say when I get anxiety is, "Anxiety...every time you come and try to get me down, I grow 10x stronger. It was GG (good game) for you before it began." and every time it lessens up, I smile and keep going. I go out with friends and just, well, just dance, just have a blast. I'll act like a complete dork and not even care, because life is about having fun. Like my friends tattoo says "Be like the birds, sing after every storm".

Sorry if I'm like drifting off topic and such. Been up all night again :/
Anyway, Goodluck to ya! Don't give up.

09-25-2012, 08:31 AM
anxiety makes you feel defeated, robs you of your confidence, robs you of you life, ego or whatever, the list goes on and on. a holiday means living in a fantasy world, you have fun and enjoy, no work just play. upon reaching to the end of it or at the end of it all, reality knocks in, means more stress, back to tying a leash on your table. and the list goes on.