View Full Version : Panic Attacks at work. (1st post!)

09-23-2012, 10:01 PM
Hi everyone,

This is my first post on this site and really the first time I've reached out to anyone except my family doctor. I suffer from panic attacks that have crippled my work performance and a lot of my personal life. I suffered from panic attacks as a teenager during presentations in school, or traveling on the subway in crowds. It was something I grew out out after a year or so and had no issues with until 6 years later.

I work as a travel agent and interact with people all day. I had a difficult client who expected a lot of me and was rushing me and all of a sudden i had a full blown panic attack. Mind went blank, shaking, couldn't speak or think, had to get up and leave. Since then, I get panic attacks whenever put on the spot. I'm afraid of my mind going blank and not knowing what to say, and now that's exactly what happens. It became so bad within a few days that I was on sick leave from work for 2 weeks, as even stepping in the office made my anxiety level skyrocket.

My doctor prescribed me clonazepam, which has worked amazingly. I'm back at work and able to function normally.
The only problem is i find myself not able to live without it. If I forget to take the medication i'm fine until i REALIZE i haven't taken it. It's like the thought of having the panic attack is what brings it on.

I don't want to depend on medication for the rest of my life, but I can't go into interviews, presentations or even interact with customers without having a panic attack and my mind going completely blank. I have an interview coming up in a few weeks and it's so depressing to know that without medication I wouldn't be able to get through it or even have a job at all.

Anyone experienced a similar type of anxiety? Would you suggest Cognitive therapy?

09-24-2012, 06:25 AM
Yep. Panic Disorder like me. Meet with your doc and ask about an ssri starting at a low dose and tapering upward. I always have valium with me and that's just PD for you but some get control via ssri's, CBT better than others. Some use pyschotherapy to find a root cause if there is one. No one way here but having the benzo and maybe a beta blocker is not unusual for PD but not universal. I hate taking meds too but..........................

PM me any time. Alakay

09-24-2012, 07:13 AM
CBT will definitely help, because it teaches you the tools, so that when you start to get those familiar panic attack feelings, you can start to do your exercises, and stop the attack.

09-24-2012, 09:28 PM
Thanks guys. Even just knowing other people experience the same things makes it easier. No one I know goes through anxiety or panic attacks so its easy to feel abnormal or alone.
And sorry... What is an ssri?!