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09-23-2012, 10:02 PM
Hello all, this is my first post and Im very excited to communicate with people that have the same problems as me. I have one question, my mom thinks that i don't have anxiety but add. I have had several panic attacks and Im always worrying; but Im starting to agree with her. I've tried so many meds I lost count, and none of them worked except alpralozam. So my question is, have any of you been misdiagnosed with anxiety when you really has A.D.D?

09-25-2012, 03:42 PM
From the lack of response I'm guessing...


Bit of a pointless question really.

What is it you ACTUALLY want to know?
More details on ADD?
Want this forum to make the distinction/diagnosis for you?

09-25-2012, 07:53 PM
I'm just confused because I've been on so many meds I feel that theres a chance it isn't anxiety. Simply because I've read that a.d.d medication works for anxiety. Thank you for your positive response

09-25-2012, 09:27 PM
No because anxiety is anxiety. If ADD gives u anxiety, u are still experiencing anxiety. Anxiety is always a symptom of something else. So whether it's a byproduct of depression, hypothyroidism, a heart condition, etc.... It is still anxiety. Idk if it is caused by add but even if it is, it is still anxiety.

09-25-2012, 09:28 PM
And you might have both. Is your mom a psychiatrist?

09-25-2012, 09:53 PM
Believe it or not, the medications designed for ADD ADHD stopped anxiety in its tracks immediately. Although I usually dont take but I can at any point, they were the extremely useful in re-training the mind, thoughts, brain and then I became less anxious and the panic attacks ended abruptly. I worked with my Dr. for many years to find this all out too. Hyper-active mind=ADD=ADHD=anxiety to the extremes..


09-26-2012, 10:11 AM
Believe it or not, the medications designed for ADD ADHD stopped anxiety in its tracks immediately. Although I usually dont take but I can at any point, they were the extremely useful in re-training the mind, thoughts, brain and then I became less anxious and the panic attacks ended abruptly. I worked with my Dr. for many years to find this all out too. Hyper-active mind=ADD=ADHD=anxiety to the extremes..


Thank you for the positive advice man.

09-26-2012, 10:21 AM
I could take 3mg of xanax, and still want to rip the persons head in front of me off in a line at the big box store..because they dropped their inkpen to write a check. Who writes checks anymore anyway when the freakin machine will scan and print it, and you get it back..That was my panic attacks. People that were complete idiots..people that were gettin in the way of progression in my life, people that were impacting my life and my time. It was bad to say the least. I had an extremely short fuse, in fact it was so short there wasnt enough to burn, just strike it and then KABOOM!! It would blow anyones arm off instantly.

Then, the Dr. gave me ritalin and said this was our last hope but yet he had worries that it would INCREASE my anxietal tension, anxiety, and someone was going to get hurt because of it..WRONG...It calmed me down, and I have been "high strung" since birth. It saved me, others around me, changed my life instantly for the better. I would then laugh, or be helpful to the very people that I "perceived" as f**kin my day up..Went to 2 weddings that year, and 3 funerals too. ALL of which I would refuse to do prior to medication for ADD. ADHD. I was hyper-active, I have all those disorders too.
