View Full Version : Please help

09-23-2012, 08:51 AM
I've had anxiety for 10 years and my symptoms seem to get worse. Chest pain and headaches have been my worst symptom. What worries me is when I work out my chest hurts, or if I go for long walks my chest will hurt which makes me think that I really have a heart problem. I've had EKG's done and they always came back normal. Does anyone else experience this

09-23-2012, 09:02 AM
Probably anxiety by association.

I.e. you worry about your chest pains (which you think is heart related) therefore your anxiety increases when you work out.
This is a self-fulfilling prophecy, since your worry causes tenstion (some muscle hardening) which in turn causes the chest pains!

Anything which increases heart rate (e.g. exercise, sex, emotions etc.) near always leads to instant concern, triggering the very fears which are keeping your anxiety disorder alive.

Saying all that... to put your mind totally at rest & conclude your concerns once and for all, perhaps you should perform a cardiac or stress test?

09-23-2012, 10:21 AM
Cat28, I think a good medical doctor will be able to pinpoint why you often feel this way.

Also, if you do decide to see a doctor, it might be a good idea to get a second opinion as well in order to be sure it's an emotional issue that's causing this, as opposed to a physical disorder.

09-23-2012, 01:09 PM
Cat28, I think a good medical doctor will be able to pinpoint why you often feel this way.

Also, if you do decide to see a doctor, it might be a good idea to get a second opinion as well in order to be sure it's an emotional issue that's causing this, as opposed to a physical disorder.

Different ER doctors have done an EKG on me and so has my normal doctor. I've also had blood work done that came back normal. I just don't understand why I feel this way, why my chest gets tight, and short of breath