View Full Version : Driving Anxiety - Can anyone help?

09-22-2012, 07:26 PM
I'm hoping someone can help me.

I have terrible driving anxiety issues. I never would have thought this would have happened to me as I was always a confident driver since first getting behind the wheel.

Let me give you a little background. In my last year in college (over 20 years ago) I started having tremendous cervical/facial pain. As time went on it got worse and worse till within a few years I was in substantial pain (7 or 8 out of 10 pain score) almost 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week. At some point I was officially labeled as being a "chronic pain patient". For the first decade of this I was treated with NSAIDs and occasional steroid injections. Eventually the NASIDs took their toll on my GI tract and after flirting with an ulcer, I was put on opioid pain killers. These served to dull the pain but did not eliminate it. I had tremendous difficulty sleeping as the pain killers would usually only cover about 4 hrs which is about as much as I slept at one time. Eventually a sleeping pill was added, ambien first but this was switched over to termazepam later.

Between the constant pain, pain killers, sleeping pills, and stress I was pretty much a wreck though I managed to remain fully employed during the entire period.

About 10 years ago I entered a period where I was conscious of worrying about my driving. In retrospect, I should not have been making any long trips. Then it happened. One day while driving on the interstate I suddenly felt as if I was not in control. My heart started to race, I got sweaty, my fingers started to tingle and I started to feel as if I was getting tunnel vision. Luckily my wife was with me and I pulled to the shoulder of the road and let her drive.

From that day forward I didn't drive at all on interstates for several years. At one point I could barely even drive on normal surface streets. Eventually I forced my self to do some interstate driving but it was as if I were on pins and needles the whole time. I was never comfortable behind the wheel on the interstate even making 200+ mile trips. After being an very uncomfortable interstate driver I once again had a similar incident and stopped driving on the interstates at all again for years.

Forward a few years till today. I am now one of the rare people who had beat their longstanding chronic pain condition. For this I am immensely grateful. I had expected to eventually die with the physical pain I had endured for about 20 years. I no longer take any pain medications and only take a sleep aid (Lunesta) occasionally. However, I am still plagued by driving anxiety. I can now drive on regular surface streets without really giving them much of a thought with a few rare exceptions (steep roads in hill country). So, it doesn't effect me most of the time. Unfortunately I still have great difficulty driving on interstates. I can do for maybe 20 to 30 minutes at a time on highways I know, but I'm very nervous the entire time.

I have a job opportunity which I would like to take that would require infrequent trips on the interstate for about 100 miles. I tried to get on the highway today, but couldn't bring myself to do and took two lane back roads and even that was very stressful.

Can anyone offer me any advice? Hope? Tale of successfully overcoming their driving anxiety? At this point I feel as though I will never get beyond this.

09-22-2012, 07:42 PM
Hi there,

I have a bit of driving anxiety too. I don't get to drive much because well, I don't have insurance. When I was 16 and got my license, the insurance companies wanted $250 a month for only liability which is robbery in my opinion, so I've driven without it since then. Now that I'm 20, I'm sure it's much cheaper, so once I find a job again I'll likely get back into it. I'm more scared of just driving on regular city streets and such. I'm always afraid of forgetting things like "Right-of-ways" and such because I don't drive often enough to even experience much of it other than four way stop. I also get scared of yellow lights, because one time I was buzzing merrily down the road, and the light turned yellow, and it only turned yellow for like a second before going red so I didn't even have time to stop, so I slam on the brakes and skid into the intersection right infront of a cop. Luckily, she felt for me and let me go. That light was messed up.

I always feel my anxiety goes away though after driving for a while and getting back into things and seeing that it's not all that bad. I'm not sure if it'd work in your case but perhaps just driving more often on interstates with somebody riding with you might work. That way you'll get used to it and feel safer maybe?

09-22-2012, 08:20 PM
I have anxiety when driving only if I have other passengers when I'm by myself I'm ok because I blare the music sometimes sing and just zone out. If I have other people in car I get very anxious not a good feeling I feel like a freak

09-23-2012, 05:16 AM
My anxiety is worse when I'm not the driver. It's still bad when I am driving but having a husband that deploys often has pushed me to put my big girl panties on and just do it. I listen to music louddddd and chew lots of gum. It helps.

09-23-2012, 05:26 AM
Gosh. I'd love to be able to drive. Had some lessons but I get so nervous that I get muddled up and get it wrong. And even if I did get the hang of it, I reckon I'd be so nervous on my test I'd flunk it. lol

09-23-2012, 05:52 AM
Gosh. I'd love to be able to drive. Had some lessons but I get so nervous that I get muddled up and get it wrong. And even if I did get the hang of it, I reckon I'd be so nervous on my test I'd flunk it. lol

Lol!! I feel ya. The only reason I passed was because my dads a cop and took an oath that I could drive and that he taught me. -_- seemed sooooo cool at 16... At 24 I'm like whyyyyy in the hellll did I do that lmao I get so nervous it's not even funny....but I usually go through half a pack of gum if not more and it calms me a lot. I also only drive right lane and do under the speed limit by 5 or so....I've been nicknamed the grandma driver :/ haha but ohhhhhh welllll as long as I get to point b from point a and back safely they can say whatever they want! :)

09-23-2012, 06:01 AM
Lol. I've had my dad, mum, friend and a professional try to teach me, I just can't get the hang of it. Not that I'd be able to afford to insure or maintain a car anyway, lol! Maybe I'll try again one day but I'm not ready yet :)

09-23-2012, 09:03 AM
I have a driving anxiety also. I actually get slight dizzy spells while driving on the highway. It got so bad that I now work from home completely. I still can drive locally, but not on the highway. I am also very nervous as a passenger while driving on the highway. Two days ago, I saw a horrific accident on the road, where the ems had a man, laying down on the road and they were doing chest compressions and cpr on him. The entire car was destroyed.Well after I saw that, I had to pull out my xanax, because my anxiety went through the roof. I used to enjoy driving so much, and now, I'm nervous about just about every mode of travel, car, train, boat and especially planes.

09-23-2012, 09:10 AM
I listen to music louddddd and chew lots of gum. It helps.

You sound like Duke Nukem! lol

09-23-2012, 08:55 PM
You sound like Duke Nukem! lol

Lmao!!!!!!!! Too funny!!!! I wish I had his confidence though haha

09-25-2012, 09:08 PM
I appreciate the replies. Anyone actually overcome their driving anxiety? Any tips? I find the tips to work through a generic panic attach to be difficult to do in a driving situation. Most want you to stop, get quiet, do breathing exercises, close your eyes and go to a happy place, etc. which are rather difficult to do while driving down the road.

I'd really appreciate any advice. This has become a major obstacle in my life.

BTW, anyone have any experience or thoughts on hypnotism for driving anxiety?


09-25-2012, 10:07 PM
Thanks for the encouragement Kevin,

That's the weird thing with this anxiety/phobia ...... I've actually made myself do some driving and it doesn't get easier. It is unlike any "normal" fear I've ever had where repeated exposure caused me to become more an more comfortable. I can drive on surface streets all day but interstates or long distances make me want to run and hide. I've got to get up in the morning and drive about 86 miles then 86 miles back. I've selected a route without interstates, just mainly two lane country roads, and I actually drove it with my wife this last weekend. Tomorrow I've got to drive it by myself and I'm scared to death.

I hate living in this kind of fear. It's killing me, slowly.

When do I get to the easy part of life?

God help me.

09-25-2012, 11:14 PM
You're exactly right that a major portion of the problem is the conversation going on inside my head about what's going to happen when I get on the road. I've tried to shut up the dumbass that is doing the talking, but he doesn't seem to listen. The weird thing is I am a pretty logical guy in most other areas of my life. I work in a technical profession and rely on logic there, but it fails me in this portion of my life. I know that my perception of reality is distorted in this area, but I can't seem to get my rational side to take control from the emotional side.

Thanks for the encouragement. You've done at least one good deed today :)

When you get some time tell me more about how you got over your driving anxiety. I would love to hear it.

Thanks again.

09-26-2012, 01:29 PM
The only time I've had driving anxiety was after quite a bad crash some 12 years back... this is obviously quite normal for anyone.

It took some weeks to get over the shock of the accident, but eventually I got back in the car and started driving around VERY CAREFULLY, lol
Time was the healer for this incident.

I don't tend to think about breaking down in the middle of nowhere for a few reasons:

1/ I don't drive out into the middle of nowhere for starters. My driving patterns are pretty fixed.

2/ If I do wander... then I'll always have my phone, or there'll be help near by, like a phone box, house or whatever.

Funny isn't it... I fear having a heart attack, but I don't give a hoot about driving. Driving is as natural as walking, to me.