View Full Version : Qustion about derealization

09-22-2012, 06:12 PM
So derealization, is it a symptom of having anxiety or is it part of an anxiety attack???

09-22-2012, 06:21 PM
I was wondering this myself. Is this what its called when i suddenly dont feel like i am real? If so then i would say yes cuz i dont get it unless im having anxiety

09-22-2012, 07:46 PM
Can be both. It's far more terrifying when actually occurring during an attack though. When just feeling anxious, it's the result of your brain being too busy focusing on your fear and "fight or flight", that normal senses (sight, sound, smell, ect) aren't a priority and aren't processed normally.That's what I heard, or rather, read.

It's a normal symptom though, and most of us experience it. It's very annoying.

jon mike
09-25-2012, 01:15 AM
I think if you get it you'd know. Its not somethin that I would look for. Its the most bizarre thing that's ever been in my head, for me anyway.
Also the most terrifying. I can't really explain it. I was stuck in that frame of mind for 2 years before I even got help. Apparently my practitioner told me that they believe the reason behind it is, because when once we were chased by animals as prey, fight or flight became apart of our evolutionary path. When in times were we wouldn't have a choice as in, and this is just a silly example, a lion has cornered you and there's no escape. Your going to die. You can't fight or get away. This triggers a part of the brain to distance you from yourself, almost to save you from feeling the pain, or to suffer the horror. Its a normal brain function and there's so many "tricks" the brain is capable of when its pushed or needed. The problem is though. We ain't gonna be eaten by lions. So there's no need for it anymore. A bit like adrenaline. I mean how amazing is that? Lowering anxiety is what is what you need to happen in any anxiety related issues.