View Full Version : Brain anurism please help

09-22-2012, 05:42 PM
So I get headaches and today I started thinking about brain anurisms and then my dimbass googled it and guess what? I'm having a panic attack... Please help me get out of this

09-22-2012, 05:57 PM
Hi. Ive obsessed over headaches too. Try to relax. Aneurisms are rare. Headaches are common. An aneurism will feel like the worst headache u have ever had in ur life. Then u die. I doubt having a lingering headache all day is anything like an aneurism. And if u are still alive, i am positive u are having a regular ole headache. Im not a dr, but Im a paramedic and ive never had a patient with one if that makes u feel better.

09-22-2012, 06:14 PM
I hope i helped. Just know ur not alone and ur definitely not crazy. Ive worked on am ambulance for YEARS and i KNOW some things just dont happen, and yet i still obsess over the weirdest most impossible medical situations that jist arent happening to me. Lol. Im sorry ur not feeling well :(

09-22-2012, 07:47 PM
Thank you ... I'm really trying to get it together

09-22-2012, 08:44 PM
Sorry for typos. Im using my iphone and i hate auto correct so when my finger taps the wrong key i dont notice til after i post lol.

How are u now? Does ur doctor give u a script for anything prn like a benzo? Usually when i start scaring myself about a particular body part, my xanax will stop me from thinking about weird things.

Also, meditation helps. I have a list of favorites on youtube. There are a lot of guided meditations out there that redirect ur mind and help u to live in the moment instead of thinking "what if..."

09-22-2012, 11:39 PM
Sorry for typos. Im using my iphone and i hate auto correct so when my finger taps the wrong key i dont notice til after i post lol.

How are u now? Does ur doctor give u a script for anything prn like a benzo? Usually when i start scaring myself about a particular body part, my xanax will stop me from thinking about weird things.

Also, meditation helps. I have a list of favorites on youtube. There are a lot of guided meditations out there that redirect ur mind and help u to live in the moment instead of thinking "what if..."

I'm on Ativan and I just started taking celexa .... I prey allot and do breathing techniques . But whenever I get a strange sensation or feeling my reaction is always to over react And then it goes down hill from there :(

09-23-2012, 12:42 AM
Hope ur feeling better! Im the same way I google every symptom (worst thing we can do btw)

09-23-2012, 06:07 AM
Go on youtube and search "guided meditation for anxiety". That's what i do. It's more than just a breathing exercise. It actually helps you to visualize something else and it usually stops me when im thinking crazy stuff. Sometimes i dont even need a xanax after doing one :)

09-23-2012, 06:30 AM
First rule of anxiety- DON'T GOOGLE SYMPTOMS :D

I can guarantee that if you were having an anurism you would know about it- the pain would be blinding, it would be the worst headache you have ever had and you certainly would not be able to sit and google symtoms and post about it here if you were. Also anurisms can be but are not always fatal so if the worst came to the worst and you really did have one it's not automatically bye bye world.

It's most likely that you are dehydrated, need glasses or are simply so stressed you are getting a sore head from it which is really common.

09-23-2012, 07:01 AM
It's anxiety, not an anurism. Anxiety first, last and always, so remind yourself and tell yourself you over analyse normal body sensations/functions. Just last week I had a muscle twitch where years ago I'd fear some hideous illness but since I know allllll toooooo well I overreact, I was able to stay calm knowing it was not and I should not fall for anxieties lie(i.e., worst case scenarios always coming true). Recognize it's anxieties game, it wanting you to assume the worst case scenario in almost all things in life and that it's a lie. The worst rarely happens at all. It will help. Alankay.

09-23-2012, 07:19 AM
I do this myself. I feel just about any body sensation and fi.d myself convinced its a stroke, heart attack, dvt etc. Google is not your friend lol, even non anxious people can convince themselves they are dying when they Google symptoms, those of us with anxiety doubly so! I like alankay's phrase "anxieties lie" because that's pretty much exactly what it is!

09-23-2012, 11:18 AM
Thanks guys