View Full Version : How do you find the cause of anxiety? Esp when no one will see u?

09-22-2012, 05:36 PM
After seeing several counselors and all of them telling me they don't know why I have anxiety, and after charting for a while and discovering it happens on the same days each month, how do I get a doctor to take me seriously and figure out what's causing it?

I moved here almost a yr ago and haven't seen a dr yet. There's only 3 drs here and so far I've been turned away because I requested a check of my thyroid when the receptionist was scheduling my very first apt and she immediately stopped scheduling it and turned me away accusing me of being a drug seeker!!! I'm not kidding. Over the phone, a receptionist made a diagnosis.

So now I'm just kind of stuck in this very isolated town, full of druggies, and 120 miles away from the next town. And no doctor here is willing to even check a new patient's thyroid because as the unethical and not medically trained receptionist told me, "talking about your thyroid is going to lead u to talk about OTHER THINGS" (yes her words exactly! Extremely insulting!)

Well i was a paramedic in my home state and when I moved up here I had no idea that I would be turned away when I am the one needing help. I understand that they are weary because of the users here but I am not a pill popper and I really need help!!!

I may have to drive a few hrs to see a professional dr office. Anyone know of a doctor in the Salt Lake City or St George area? Or of how I can get someone here to see me?? I am hours away from these two bigger towns but my options are dwindling

09-23-2012, 08:01 AM
I would go to that office in person and try to schedule again, either don't mention your thyroid until you are seeing the doctor or come prepared for a fight. That person on the phone needs to be fired end of story, and I don't think I could end that conversation without some very choice language. I would also personally make it a point to ensure that someone in charge was made aware of her absolutely inexcusable behavior, But then again I am particularly defensive when it comes to my healthcare. You mentioned salt lake city, and this is not intended to insult anyone of the LDS faith, but your location could be part of the problem for more reasons than just geographic isolation, in my experience that group has not been the most supportive or understanding of this sort of thing.

In the mean time keep charting. See if you can't find any other patterns. Having this information with you and available for review could help possibly stop any resistance, drug seekers generally dont take the time to go to such trouble. It is not reasonable to have to travel so far, to my knowledge you would simply need some blood work to find the answer to your question. I had read some studies suggesting that men have a hormonal cycle similar to women, perhaps do some research in that area. If you are getting it at regular intervals there could be something to it.

Best of luck!