View Full Version : Does anyone else have these issues?

09-22-2012, 05:18 PM
Recently I have been getting this gurgling feeling or bubbling feeling in my stomach up into my throat. Along with the pvcs that I get, it's hard to deal with. I can't even distinguish when something is actually wrong with me or when it's just my anxiety takin it's toll. Does anyone else experience these types of issues?

09-22-2012, 06:18 PM
Sounds like what happens to me when I eat too much spicey crap lol. Acid reflux I think they call it. Rare though for me unless, like i said, I eat spicey crap and alot of it. Never had it everyday or anything.

09-22-2012, 08:06 PM
I get alot of this because of my anxiety just drink milk and it will pass

09-23-2012, 07:05 AM
Recently I have been getting this gurgling feeling or bubbling feeling in my stomach up into my throat. Along with the pvcs that I get, it's hard to deal with. I can't even distinguish when something is actually wrong with me or when it's just my anxiety takin it's toll. Does anyone else experience these types of issues?


A few questions:

1/ Have you been diagnosed with anxiety disorder?
i.e. are you certain you have an anxiety/stress issue?

2/ How long have these symptoms been occuring?

3/ How long have you been suffering just heart palps (without the bubbling)?
Before the gurgling or did they both seem to develop at the same time?

Without a doubt, anxiety alone can cause what you are experiencing, but equally, the symptoms can cause further anxiety - which makes this a particularly troublesome self-feeding issue.

Amongst a million other things, anxiety can cause all kinds of stomach anomolies - most often GERD and excessive gas.

Gas bubbles can "tickle" the vagus nerve which can have a direct influence on your heart rythmn. This may indeed be the cause of your palps.

Just plain old stress and the "danger" messages thereof can also cause the heart to wobble from time to time. Particularly if anxiety reaches a level which kick-starts fight or flight mode.

You need to see a doc. to get a proper diagnosis.
Start by reducing caffeine intake to zero, avoiding stressy situations, eat good food, breath propely (deep breathing rather than short), take antacids after each meal, keep busy (distractions), do things you enjoy (don't avoid just because you think you're ill) & try to get as much sleep as possible (feeling knackered and generally yucky feeds anxiety)