View Full Version : Im not quite sure, any advice would be greatly appreciated.

03-26-2007, 06:39 PM
From time to time, I become more aware of people around me. I get nervous claustraphobic. Its complicated. Do you ever feel like no one understands? I do right now. Well, there are time when I can't really deal with people getting close to me. Its as if i have a fear of being violated. Even if its a mistake, or an act- such as a hug or dancing with someone...I become anxious as if it may be a violation. And then its sort of on my mind, all the time. I can't seem to stop thinking about it. The thoughts end up making me really sad and its difficult for me to conentrate. Im not sure how to explain it. The thing is, I've never been violated in any way, i think it would be easier to find the root of this problem if i had been. But the culture I grew up with and still live in is very strict. There has always been a divide between girls and boys. I've never had a boyfriend. I've been very sheltered. Im just not sure why i feel this way, and I'd like it to stop.


03-27-2007, 07:55 AM
I'm not doctor, but you talk about your rather strict culture. It might be that it has been ingrained in you that such contact is "wrong" and you are getting crushed by an instinct that you are breaking rules. Cultures that have strict rules like that often reinforce the rules by implying that being so close to others will result just in what you say: violation. It could be that your anxiety is a result of your heart inutitively wanting the socialization and interaction and your mind and ntellect reminding you that, based on your upbringing, it is very wrong.

Not sure if this helps.

03-27-2007, 12:46 PM
but there are days when i feel completly fine. I don't have a problem with people. why do you think that is?

03-27-2007, 09:14 PM
I'm not a doctor, but I will suggest that you try and be more observant of when it is happening and what the circumstance are as it happens. A lot of times our minds will be sneaky and we will act or react sub-conciously. As we become more observant, we catch ourselves.