View Full Version : My arms and legs always feel weak and jellowy is this normal and i always feel shaky

09-22-2012, 04:13 PM
Is this normal to feel this way all the time

09-22-2012, 06:04 PM
I'd say so. People are generally shaky when experiencing high amounts of anxiety. The arms and legs feeling weak come with that I think.
Anxiety takes a heavy toll on the body, as it produces tons of adrenaline and what not to deal with the "Life threatening situation" it believes to be occurring. It's normal for anxiety. I'd suggest seeing a doctor to discuss treatment options, or go ahead and give self-treatment a go - that's what worked wonders for me thus far.

No worries though. You're alright, I'm sure. Many people experience this. Read some of the forum topics, it's often comforting to just see that other people are in the same boat as you :]

09-22-2012, 06:36 PM
Thanks it really does make me feel better to know that I am not alone anxiety is a terrible thing some days I wonder how I'm going to get though it

09-22-2012, 07:52 PM
It is indeed. Though, trust that it can be overcome. I've managed to learn to control mine pretty well, just through sheer willpower. I just keep telling myself "This is my life, there is so much to see, so much to do, I'm not letting this keep me down." and I trudge through. Never lose hope :] I've found reading some of the success stories on here helped a lot. Also, it's cool to know we're often a lot stronger mentally then your average joe because we fight fear everyday. Like them old horror movie commercials that say like " Do you know the meaning of fear?" and I feel that we are some of the only ones who can truly say "Yeah... I do know the meaning of fear" just thinking of the bad panic attacks that had me trembling in my bed with a pillow over my head till I was in tears. but yep.. It can be overcome :] We can win our freedom.

09-23-2012, 07:26 AM
>My arms and legs always feel weak and jellowy is this normal and i always feel shaky

Do you REALLY mean... ALWAYS

Like, every waking moment?

If this is the case, then I'd be somewhat concerned. Anxiety / panic attacks tend to come and go rather than be continuous.
They CAN be continous, however... but it's not so common.

Adrenaline and wild nerves are most likely the cause when fight or flight mode is active.

Have you seen a cognetive therapist? take any meds? (if so... do the meds help?)

09-23-2012, 08:19 AM
These feelings are definitely normal when experiencing intense anxiety. I find they are intensified if I am feeling anxious AND haven't eaten or drank anything in some time (when I am feeling very anxious I cannot eat). Low blood sugar gives these feelings too.

09-23-2012, 08:53 AM
These feelings are definitely normal when experiencing intense anxiety. I find they are intensified if I am feeling anxious AND haven't eaten or drank anything in some time (when I am feeling very anxious I cannot eat). Low blood sugar gives these feelings too.

Yes, common during elevated anxiety but NOT so normal if they are continuous or feeling like this ALL the time!

carly davies
09-23-2012, 02:03 PM
Yes, common during elevated anxiety but NOT so normal if they are continuous or feeling like this ALL the time!

Over the last 2 weeks I have haven't been myself either :( as in always really weak n my head ain't with it. It's quite a scary feeling. I also keep getting pains in my chest n abdomen is this normal?? Xx

09-23-2012, 06:06 PM
Over the last 2 weeks I have haven't been myself either :( as in always really weak n my head ain't with it. It's quite a scary feeling. I also keep getting pains in my chest n abdomen is this normal?? Xx

I know how you feel. I get so bad I don't sleep at night

09-24-2012, 01:43 PM
Over the last 2 weeks I have haven't been myself either :( as in always really weak n my head ain't with it. It's quite a scary feeling. I also keep getting pains in my chest n abdomen is this normal?? Xx

Depends what you mean by "normal"

For a 100% healthy person without anxiety or any other mental disorder then NO, this would not be normal!

For a person with chronic anxiety disorder then this is possible since you could be in a continuous state of fight or flight mode - which can wreak havoc with your entire body.

Have you been diagnosed with anxiety disorder??
If not, then if you haven't already - see a doctor immediately.

Don't panic... you just need to get the ball rolling with a diagnosis and treatment.