View Full Version : It's Been Awhile...

09-22-2012, 04:50 AM
Well...it's been almost a year since I've posted here. Mostly because I've been doing better. I had my first child 4 months ago and even though I had a semi stressful pregnancy, my anxiety was in check for the most part. I quit taking my xanax as soon as I found out I was pregnant and haven't taken it since.
The last few months though, I've become obsessed with taking my pulse and blood pressure. Rarely is there a happy medium with my pulse. If it's in the 60's or 70's, it's too low and if it's in the 90 or above, it's too high. It's gotten to 121 a couple times but I know that was probably anxiety and it came back down to a normal level pretty quickly. My blood pressure is usually too low for my for what I think it should be. It's usually 90/58-108/68. I can't stop obsessing with taking my pulse and bp. I've seen regular drs. and a cardiologist who have done blood work, ekgs, and even an echocardiogram...all of which have turned out fine.

I really want to be enjoying ths amazing time in my life with my baby girl and I hate...absolutely hate...that I she's so much time writing and allowing myself to feel like crap over stupid anxiety. I have had so many tests that is something was wrong they surely would have found it. So why?! Why can't I let this go? How can I let this go?

09-22-2012, 10:00 AM
Have you considered getting back on your medication? If it helped you in the past, it could help now.