View Full Version : See if you can help me out.

09-22-2012, 04:07 AM
Okay so let me explain this entire thing to you. I just turned 18 at the start of July. I am currently unemployed, and not going to school because of extreme laziness on my part. Essentially around a month ago or so I got fired from my job, and that weekend I went to a family gathering. At the gathering I got pretty drunk. Afterwards, I went home and stayed up fairly late as I usually do. Around 3 o'clock I started to get this weird feeling in my throat and nose like it was blocked. I kept trying to clear it, but it didn't work. After awhile my heart started beating extremely fast, and I had a pain on my right side. Since I smoked at the time, I began to worry myself that it was a stroke/heart attack/lung cancer or something of the sort and I was having a symptom. I walked around outside and tried to calm myself down, but nothing worked. I went into my mom's room and explained it to her and she thought maybe someone had slipped something into my drink. I explained to her that wouldn't of happened, so she said maybe I was just having heartburn and I was just winding myself up. My stomach was upset, so I took some Peptobismol and it calmed me down and made me start to feel better. This was strange to me, as I've only ever had something like this happen to me before a year before when my heart started to beat a thousand miles an hour because I worked myself up. Anyways, since the attack a month ago I started to have more frequent attacks. I've always been a cautious person, but I am far from nervous and I've never had any prior experiences like this. It's more annoying than anything, because they usually happen to me late at night. Sometimes I think I'm having a stroke and that makes it worse. It's more like I don't know WHY or WHAT is happening so I start to think of things, making it far worse. I've had to sleep in my mom's room (not sexual) to calm me down at least twice, which is rather embarrassing for a kid of my age. I'm wondering why I am all of a sudden getting these attacks? I know you guys aren't doctors, but it's getting rather annoying as it's happening at night all the time now. I don't want to go to a doctor right yet because I don't want them to just prescribe me something and go "good luck". I sleep all day, and stay up very late which is the same thing I was doing when I had the panic attack over a year ago. I didn't have any problems for 2 days, and I thought maybe it was just a phase but I had one last night. I took a trip out of town today with some friends to get my mind off of it, and it seems to have worked to some extent. I'm bad at getting myself all worked up because I look up stupid symptoms on Google and of course they always say the worst. Any advice will help. It's good to finally talk about it with someone without them just going "Oh" and thinking I'm being dramatic.

09-22-2012, 11:28 AM
Anxiety usually manifests itself in young adulthood. Typical really. I'd start with a counselor if you can afford one to see if you can find if something is bothering you at a lower level so you can then address the cause of your anxiety. Alankay