View Full Version : Nocturnal Panic Attacks?

09-21-2012, 06:11 PM
Last night was an interesting one.
I needed to wake up early for work today, so I took a melatonin last night to help me fall asleep at the appropriate time. Ever since I've had these anxiety issues the last month, my needed amount of sleep has seemed to shrink from eight hours to six. However, at 2 in the morning, I woke up from a pretty silly sounding nightmare. I work at a pet store, and in my nightmare, I was stuck in a tank like one of the hamsters would be at the store. I woke up feeling completely baffled. I went downstairs where somebody left the TV on, and made me wonder if I've started sleepwalking, which freaked me out more (turns out it was somebody else). So I took half a pill of Clonazepam, which helped me sleep pretty well.
However, all day today, I've felt drained. I was a zombie at work. I was having slight anxiety, experiencing maybe a little depression, and I just felt empty inside. I went home and slept for two hours.
Does anybody else experience nocturnal panic attacks? If you do, how do you handle them?

09-21-2012, 06:51 PM
Yes I suffer from them as well . I have a panic attack from a dream I have about once every three weeks. First dream I had a panic attack in my dream. Now it can just be any vivid dream. I don't panic until after I'm awake and I think about the dream. It usually messes me up for a couple days- high anxiety- depression etc. I just try and think logically that it's not the end of the world and you can't be die from panic and anxiety. I also sleep with headphones so i can distract myself with music if i wake up Wish I could offer more help but I feel your pain.