View Full Version : Could This Be Anxiety Causing This

03-26-2007, 04:34 PM
ok i overdosed on my albuterol inhaler and every since that ive had difficult breathing and extreme anxiety first 2 days wasnt bad then the 3rd day it got bad with the anxiety at night i was giving xanax ive been taken the xanax for a little over a week .5mg a night..after the first few days of this i started getting pain in my left arm and chest pains also then it happened to right arm same exact spots both on and off.before the pain started i went the the regular dr and he gave me the xanax and an did an ekg he didnt take any blood cause im not under insurance right now so we are limited to what i can do.so as days goes on it seems to be getting worse my anxiety is getting worse. i have no appetite i get nashuas sometimes and i have the pain on and off in both arms with chest pain here and there and some breathing issues and then a new thing started when i lay down or even when im not laying down but mostly when im laying down i have pain my legs or feet.so about the 6th or 7th day into this after this all started and taking xanax for those days i went to the er it was unbearable..they took my blood pressure that was normal.the took blood urine and a chest x ray and an ekg and everything came back fine.so they told me its anxiety.now 2 days later i took xanax last night didnt really help me cause my leg was in alot of pain and it was on this specific vein and it hurt when i touched it so for the first time since this all started the xanax really didnt help even though i eventfully went to sleep i woke up at 8 am not being able to breathe i asked my parents if i should try my new rescue inhaler which has less side effects and they said only take one puff so i did and that helped the breathing for the time being but i felt like i needed a xanax so for the first time i took one during the day to.so my question after my long story is could my anxiety be causing all these pains and also could it be the xanax affecting me like this cause i went through this inhaler issue once before and only needed to take xanax for 3 days and the rest i was able to calm my self down this time is totally different im very nervous and i got these pains..ive always have had to deal with anxiety but its always been just the nausea and upset stomach never physical pains like this..i want to stop the xanax but first i dont know if i should ween of it and how to ween off it and 2nd i dont know what i would do without it right now so what does everyone think ...also when i went to the er i was prescribed cymbalta what does everyone think of that med

03-27-2007, 08:08 AM
Hi Iam-

If your feelings are anything like your post, I suggest first and foremost that you stop and BREATHE!!! Your post is one continuous sentence. I feel the anxiety just reading it, so I can only imagine what you are feeling. Take a breath and SLOW DOWN.

It is good you went to your doctor. I hope you have a little notepad around. I suggest you note when you are taking each med AS YOU TAKE THEM. Note the time and then, as they come note what side effects or ailments follow. I think you are best armed with an accurate record of the SEQUENCE of events, rather than just a laundry list of things going on. I say this to you, so you can be as articulate as possible about what is happening and when.

Regardless of whether your insurance covers you for bloodwork, you need to speak with your doctor about this. You need to STRONGLY advocate for yourself and get that bloodwork done. I have a number of chronic issues and I get bloodwork every two or three months. If something is physically wrong, it WILL eventually turn up in the bloodwork. So, getting bloodwork helps the doctor eliminate possibilities.

It is also possible tha Xanax is simply not the right med for you. Discuss other options with your doctor. Ask him to explain what it is SUPPOSED to do, so you can monitor the drug for effectiveness. You might need something stronger.

Finally, I know with my anxiety it is very critical for me to pursue therapy. In my case, I don't want to just drug myself and medicate the problem. I want to alleviate it and learn how to diffuse the anxiety. Therapy is the way I am doing that.

As I said earlier, fisrt and foremost, you need to stop and take a breath every once in a while. Even in your posting, SLOW DOWN, capitalize the start of sentences and use punctuation. Most importantly, start capitailzing the word "I" - you are worthy of that much self-respect in your posts.