View Full Version : Hi guys first time post heres my story

09-21-2012, 01:17 PM
Hi guys I'm andrew 26 i have a 8month old daughter called holly and this is my story I suppose I'm looking for some reasurrence that this is anxiety related and I'm not just about to snuff it

First off il get this one out of the way so not to cloud the issue I have never took recreational drugs I've never smoked and I don't drink

I suffered from epilepsy as a child (would feel unwell then go unconscious no jerking)

Anyway that went away when I was about 12 and in. 2004 when I was 18 I started feeling a little unwell (dizzy spaced out and my heart would be pounding I these episodes would come on totally out of the blue and last 10-15 mins leaving me feeling quite tired afterwards I would get these about once a month and eventually went to my gp who referred me to a neurologist due to the history of epilepsy after having a few scans the neurologist was sceptical it was epilepsy but give me a light epilepsy drug invade it was milder seizures where you don't go unconscious after startling the tablets the episodes were less frequent and were now around every 3-4 months so although still unconvinced the neurologist kept me on the med (lamotrigine 50mg morning 25mg evening)

Anyway fast forward to 2012 and this is what's been happening
January went to the gp having some mild chest pain and upper left arm pain was referred to a cardiologist and upon having an ECG my heart rate was an astonishing 135bpm and my blood pressure was a bit high anyway as worrying as that sounds they said my heart itself sounded healthy and strong it was just beating to fast I was asked questions like do I take cocaine and drink lots of caffeine which of course I don't I was then askeddo I suffer from anxiety or panic attacks (I'd never heard of them) I was also given a 24hr urine test to rule out something with my adrenal gland which came back clear

Anyway the specialist came up with an idea he showed me how to test my own pulse and said check it tonight but not until your already in bed and resting do that for the next few nights write that down and show it to your gp so that's what I did and the results were interesting to say the least at 2pm in the hospital it was 135bpm at 11pm it was 72 hmmm next night 75, then 67 then 66

Went to the gp and in there it was 90 hmmm
You must be getting worked up he said so stop worrying
Anyway moving on
All year hay fever and sinus problems

Around 6 weeks ago started feeling dizzy occasionally and burning up in the face only

Around 4 weeks ago my ear became blocked I went to the gp who said it was full of wax and told me to use ear drops to unblock it after 3-4 days It unblocked but I was becoming more dizzy and the burning up of the face was becoming more frequent so I went back to the gp

I was told by the gp that although the ear was now unblocked it looked dark and dull compared to the right ear drum so I may have an ear infection I had also had a tooth removed the previous day so there was the possibility of an infection relating to that I was prescribed penicillin 3 times a day for 4 days

2 weeks ago I went back to the gp who said the eardrum now looked fine and I may be burning up in the face due to the hay fever problems I have been having so prescribed me antihistamines (larotidine) *at this appointment I had some blood tests taken I'm not sure what all of them were for but it came back as blood count normal, blood sugar normal and cholesterol at 4.2

after a few days of taking them what felt like my anxiety symptoms became a lot worse I was still experiencing the same symptoms as before occasionally feeling light headed burning up in the face only and I was now having a mild headache and slight pain and pressure in the left ear so I again went back to the gp

I went to see my gp and explained how I was feeling he seemed to suggest I was getting anxiety attacks and to speak to my neurologist about them when I see him on 2/10/12 he also checked my ear and said it looked perfectly fine even though it hurt when he put the torch inside at this appointment I had my bp and hr taken which were 135/85 and hr was 88bpm
It's probably worth noting my heart rate is always higher when I'm in the doctors and as of this I occasionally check it when resting on an evening at home the night before the appointment it was 66 and the the night after it was 63

Sunday 16th sep I had felt fine most of the day I had some light sinus pressure pain and left eye irritation however that evening I started feeling extremely dizzy and disorientated my legs were shaking and i couldnt focus my eyes i was also havibg a grabbing type pain in my left arm and I felt as though I was about to pass out I rang the out of hours number and had an appointment made for 10pm at the grindon mill walk in centre at this appointment the doctor checked my bp hr and temperature as I was burning up in the face only again
My bp was down to 120/85 hr was again 88bpm he also listened to my chest via a stethoscope and said it sounded healthy and even though my face was quite hot to touch the doctor said my temperature was normal I told the doctor of my recent sinus trouble and that I'd been told earlier in the week by my gp that he thought I was having anxiety attacks the doctor at the walk in centre said he thought I may be experiencing a severe anxiety attack and give me 2x 2mg diazepam tablets one to take when I got home the other to take if I felt I needed it before I could see my gp again I told him of the situation with my left ear and he checked it for me it didn't feel to bad today but hurt when he checked it the dr said it looked perfectly clear

I felt a lot better by the time I returned home but I thought it was best to take the tablet anyway before going to sleep

Monday 17th I didn't feel as bad as the night before but was no better than on previous days I made an appointment with my gp for the Wednesday as advised by the doctor at grindon

Wednesday 19th sep
I went to see my gp and told him what had happened he took my bp and hr which were 140/89 and 99bpm I tried explaining to him that my heart rate is usually lower than that particularly when I'm resting in bed on an evening he was dismissive of this and said that he firmly believed this was an anxiety issue I did not get the chance in this appointment to tell my gp of the problems I had been having with regards to the dizziness and the burning up of the face which was becoming almost constant the gp only seemed interested in this being anxiety related and because of the slightly raised bp and heart rate prescribed me a beta blocker propranolol 10 mg to be taken 3x daily I was unsure about taking this as my bp was ok a few days earlier and my heart rate is usually a healthy number when resting at home mid 60s- early 70s)

The gp said it should help with anxiety problems so I took it (although I've took it morning and night rather than 3x daily so only taking a daily dose of 20mg rather than the 30mg the gp prescribed

Friday 21st sep
Today for the first time I've experienced no left arm pain at all however there's been no improvement in the dizziness and the mild headache seems to be worse and I have some left eye irritation and what feels like sinus pressure pain in my cheek bone I went out and while out although I was not burning up I was experiencing cold sweats and began to feel very dizzy I suddenly felt freezing cold and I was told I looked very pale upon returning home I warmed up and no longer looked pale not long after this I felt as my face was beginning to burn up again and had a fullness pressure feeling in the left ear


09-21-2012, 07:32 PM
Crazy as it sounds, it sounds like you are experiencing panic attacks. I've had that burning sensation on my face and neck, and a little while later, will feel very clammy and cold. I will get a pins and needles sensation in my hands, feet and face. I will get mild pain in my left arm, and sometimes a squeezing sensation in my chest. For quite some time, I would get these slight dizzy spells that would last a moment, but would be just enough to totally freak me out. I too, went to an ENT, got all types of tests done.....didn't find anything substantial....now that I've been on the anti anxiety meds, I feel a lot better....not 100%, but about 85% better.

09-21-2012, 07:33 PM
BUT, I am not a doctor, so please definitely listen to what your doctor tells you.