View Full Version : I Need Some Logic. (Maybe TMI)

09-21-2012, 11:00 AM
So this is really the first time I have ever posted here. It never really even occured to me to talk to anyone else about what is going on. I really hope this isn't TMI, but I do need to give some backstory.

I have OCD, and anxiety as well. Which is typically triggered from the OCD. I have a severe fear of Death, and anything that is included in that. It seems my OCD is taking over and now I am so full of anxiety I feel ill. I need some logic from anyone or any suggestions. I don't currently have insurance so I can't go see my Dr. I can't get any medicine to help either.

About 2 weeks ago our family came down with a case of pinworms. I immediately went on the defensive, treated my husband, my one year old son (under Dr.'s orders) and myself. I made the mistake of researching more than I probably should have. I have become obsessed with the idea of parasites. I think even if they did go away my mind would play tricks on me and I would have symptoms still. I read online that you should incorporate a cleaning schedule to ensure or make it more likely that you don't get re-infected. So since 2 weeks ago I have been Sweeping, Mopping, Vacumming, Washing our sheets, and clothing in hot water, spraying with the clove oil spray (suggestion online), taking herbal supplements (which could be making me worse) and I've been doing this daily.

On top of the idea of the creepy crawly's I'm exhausted, and very stressed out. Luckily though it seems it goes in cycle's so to say, so after about 6 days I relaxed a bit, I continued cleaning daily but I wasn't researching stuff until all hours of the night (making myself even more exhausted). So flash forward to last night. I get an email from someone from a board I posted asking questions about it, and sure enough it started everything over again, but far worse. I now get the feeling they aren't gone (again I think the logical part of my brain is screaming "it's in your head). I was up until around 2:00 this morning just researching things I didn't even know already, and then I couldn't sleep. On and off, I tossed and turned, and then at 4:30 my son woke up.

I have issues with being home alone as well, being in the dark, I have every thought imaginable when I'm put in those situations. Well my husband leaves every morning around 5:30, but because I was awake already (even though my son went back to sleep), I knew he left. So I layed there tossing and turning and kept jumping thinking someone was in the house. And when I don't get a lot of sleep I'm far more jumpy than normal, and way more paranoid about EVERYTHING.

So now, I am to the point that I feel physically ill, drained, I am super stressed about what's going on with our family now, and I am trying to hold back from going out and treating myself with some of the crazy means that people talk about online.

I guess I'm turning here for maybe some advice, logic, maybe someone who has been there with the whole creepy crawly thing. I don't really know what I'm looking for other than some releif. I really don't know what to do. Is there something over the counter that I can get that will help, the anxiety, that's what I'm talking about. It's also I stay home with my son and it's to the point that I'm withdrawing from him, from my husband, I know this is a bad road I am headed on, but I am so stressed that I have something that is so disgusting and makes me feel like it's going to be life threatening.

Thank you everyone for any help.

09-21-2012, 08:01 PM
Well, I will be honest, I know nothing about pinworms. I DO know about these really disgusting brown spiders that always seem to make an appearance around this time of the year in the region of the country I'm in. I've seen a few of them in my laundry room and the kids playroom, which are both on the lower level of our house. I have been totally freaked out and had been researching them to find out if they bite, what happens if you get bitten, and honestly, I freaked myself out, so I just had to tell myself to stop reading any spider related info. That was last week, and so far, I've been doing really well.....I guess in your case, try your best not to look it up anymore unless you absolutely noticed something to be concerned about.
As far as being scared, can u guys invest in a home alarm? I put in a home alarm ( the alarm installer told me that my house was like Fort Knox....no one could enter or exit undetected)...yes, a little extreme for my quiet suburb, but it makes ME feel better. I can sleep peacefully, even if my husband happens not to be there. I pay about 35 a month, but if you do not want to do that, or live in a place that doesn't allow wired alarm systems, they have apartment alarms that they sell at most hardware stores,Home Depot or Lowes, if you are in the US. You can attach them to your windows, sliding glass doors or even your front door. If the door or window is opened, a shrill alarm will go off. Before I was married and lived alone, I used these.

09-21-2012, 08:16 PM
Thank you so very much for your response. I just told my husband today, I found this forum and I think it's better I hang out over here even though most people here may not know about pinworms, rather than on the other forum where their motto is "Don't medicate, educate". So you can assume there will be some out there opinions, conspiracy stuff, etc.... So I've removed myself from getting any alerts in my email. I will be trying my best to avoid it because honestly any info I need, I'm sure I know it.

I used to use the alarms you mentioned when I lived alone as well before I got married. I never even thought to do that or even realized that the alarm systems are so inexpensive so perhaps I will be looking into that, because I do believe it's to the point I need to do something. Otherwise I think I am just going down a path that will just get worse and worse. Thank you so very much again for the advice.

09-21-2012, 10:38 PM
So I looked up pinworms really quick, and from what I can tell all they do is make you itchy. So, let's say that there is a high likelihood of them coming back (there's not) and your cleaning is actually making a difference (which it probably isn't; simple hand washing is more likely to have an impact). If a family member did get them again, so what? A few days of slight discomfort before the medicine does its thing. It will have less of an impact, both physically and financially, than a common cold.

09-22-2012, 02:44 PM
Yes, the home alarm systems aren't expensive at all, and I sleep so much better now when my husband has to work an overnight shift. I know that not only will the alarm go off, but the police will be called.
I'm glad you find this forum helpful, so have I. There are a lot of really great people on here who will really give you an honest opinion, even if sometime you don't want to hear it.lol.

09-23-2012, 09:26 PM
Yes, the home alarm systems aren't expensive at all, and I sleep so much better now when my husband has to work an overnight shift. I know that not only will the alarm go off, but the police will be called.
I'm glad you find this forum helpful, so have I. There are a lot of really great people on here who will really give you an honest opinion, even if sometime you don't want to hear it.lol.

I am actually going to check into them this week, I spoke to my husband about it. Thankfully we don't have to do any overnight with my husband gone, it's normally just until 11:30 pm at the latest. It is great to have such a helpful forum, and sometimes the honest opinions are the best ones. I think my husband sugar coats it for me at times. :-) Thank you again!