View Full Version : Losing weight?

03-26-2007, 09:56 AM

First post here, so hello!

Ive been paranoid that I've got aids from somewhere, even though my doctor ensure's me, It's all down to my anxiety, and stress.

I'm now losing weight, and already only 8 stone as it is.

I'm 20 male, and have always been thin, but finding it hard to eat/swallow comfortably while I'm still anxious and feeling ill.

Anyone got any suggestions to help calm down my worries and focus on eating and getting better.

I'm on antidepressants for anxiety at the mo.

Any advice for boosting my weight back up would be great,

Chris x

03-26-2007, 10:20 AM
you know thats weird, well i was suprised to read you have been paranoid that you have got aids from somewhere...i have been the same way for about the past month..im not sure why i think this..im sure my anxiety has somethin to do with it..and ive been sick like three times in the ppast month..& i never get sick...like seriously..and i look up info on HIV and i was like oh i have that symptom i have this one..and so on..so im basically worryin myself but i cant help it..but im gonna get checked just so ill know..and i can stop worrying..

03-26-2007, 10:27 AM
I've been advised that I don't need a test, and was talked through, why I didn't.

Having been studied/dealt with for anxiety my doctor is happy that's what it is.

It's just one of those things I guess :( But I can't seem to get over it

C x

03-26-2007, 01:10 PM

I'm HIV+. If you have any lingering questions, feel feel to ask.

As for weight gain, I think it is like exercise. You are going to have to schedule meals and make it a habit to eat.

I am like you. My anxiety keeps me from eating. I go all day and not eat anything. It's not until my partner sits me d own and feeds me that I even think about it.

It's time for you to start eating healthy fats and protein.

03-27-2007, 07:58 AM

I posted last week about having a very hard time swallowing and worrying it was a "real" problem but also somehow knowing it was my anxiety. Although last night I had a small bit of trouble again, the good news is that I'm feeling much (much) better. And so I want you to know that it will pass and you will be more comfortable eating again.

In the mean time try a few of the following: 1) make meal time as relaxing as possible (whatever it takes ... good music, a comfy chair) 2) try to eat with people who put you the most at ease and who might distract you from your worries while you're eating - or watch a TV show/movie that has the same effect 3) make milkshakes! I was able to drink and smoothies and milkshakes can have lots of healthful calories (think peanut butter, bananas, icecream, milk, etc)

The best thing people here told me was that it was anxiety and it would pass. So I want to be sure you believe that too!