View Full Version : Anxiety & Thinking straight

09-19-2012, 09:32 PM
Does anyone experience memory issues when their anxiety is high? Like u can't think straight?

09-19-2012, 10:05 PM
Yup yup. I'm pretty sure I get short term memory issues. I'll not remember opening a can of pop right next to me, or not remember taking my vitamins or something. It sucks to have as I'm only 20 years old and have memory problems. Thankfully, it only occurs under high amounts of stress or anxiety. Or if I'm way too focused on other things.

09-19-2012, 11:30 PM
Yup. I'm always very anxious so I it happens a lot. Often times I forget why I got on the Internet and what I was about to do. It's very annoying and sometimes very worrying.

09-20-2012, 01:00 AM
I've read the same over and over. Many anx. sufferers experience what they perceive as memory loss.

It ISN'T memory loss. There's nothing wrong with your memory.

What's actually occuring is that your brain is too pre-occupied with dealing with your anxiety therefore memory functions are much less of a priority.

Let's face it... anxiety often triggers fight or flight because your brain is (wrongly) interpreting your fears and worries as high levels of danger.
Danger = highest priority for any living creature

For the same reason, this is why some sufferers experience dizziness and other lack of control. Brain is too busy working on the perceived danger and not able to service
normal functions properly.
The result is a momentary lack of control.

09-20-2012, 01:13 AM
Dazza you're right but it is still sooo irritating. It would be nice to control what we think is important because I know for sure having someone give me a dirty look is not reason to freak out like my brain is about to implode!

I can't even tell you all how many times I have lost my stupid hair brush or forgotten someones birthday! It can be very frustrating and in my case usually causes me even more anxiety in the long run, not to mention many unwanted tears.
I think the worst problem for me is that I see people I know and don't recognize them, I am not sure why that happens but I have been called a snob plenty of times over the years.

Oh another embarrassing one is when someone is talking to me and I'm too warped out by stress to understand a single thing they are saying! I used to get in trouble off my teachers all the time for not listening. *blush*

(We should make a list of all the funny things we have done when stressed (if you haven't already), I can think of heaps of dumb things I have done through my life! XD)