View Full Version : I can sense it coming on

09-19-2012, 06:38 PM
It starts with just a small thought. Then that thought grows and grows. I've been doing great for the last month or so. I'm leaving for vacation to visit my inlaws. I'm flying there, which I haven't done by myself before. Plus I'll have my 4 year old with me. The last few days I've been struggling with blood clot thoughts. I'll notice a pain or bruise like feeling in all sorts of different places on my body. Itll be there for days or for only a few moments. And since it's a traveling pain, I freak out that it's a blood clot traveling. Boooooo!!!!! Like I said, it begins with just a small thought. I think a Xanax might be in order. ;)

09-19-2012, 09:48 PM
I'm the same way. I can be feeling fine than get one thought in my head, for me it's health anxiety, than it spirals until I'm in full blown anxiety mode. It's weird because I know it's anxiety but everytime it rears it's ugly head I think the worst. Like I'm going to have a Stroke or a brsin aneurysm. I know it's irrational thinking so I don't understand why it's so hard to just let it pass & shrug it off. It's quite annoying

09-19-2012, 11:24 PM

I think you need to read my Thread "Vitamin D3 cure my anxiety, depression, and panic disorder." at the depression forum of this website. It could change your lives.

Best wishes,

09-20-2012, 12:50 AM
I'm the same way. I can be feeling fine than get one thought in my head, for me it's health anxiety, than it spirals until I'm in full blown anxiety mode. It's weird because I know it's anxiety but everytime it rears it's ugly head I think the worst. Like I'm going to have a Stroke or a brsin aneurysm. I know it's irrational thinking so I don't understand why it's so hard to just let it pass & shrug it off. It's quite annoying

It's not weird, it's quite simple really.

By definition, anxiety disorder is fear that easily & automatically triggers fight or flight - almost completely out of your normal, cognetive control.

For those without the disorder, fear is rationalised and reasoned with... long before fight or flight can be activated.

Fight or flight is a primitive reaction to fear of possible death, such as being attacked by a man-eating animal or in some kind of terrifying situation, like about to do a bungy jump off a high bridge.
The exact same reaction is triggered with anxiety disorder, only the difference being that there is no OBVIOUS reason for it.

The fear of possible death is of course the ultimate or worst fear possible (nothing is more scary than possible death, right?) therefore it is little wonder how the mind & body reacts in such an intense way.