View Full Version : im needing a full blown vent.

09-19-2012, 08:25 AM
Last night, my daughter was breathless and have a fever, and i of course freaked out. I quickly got all her stuffs and ready to to step in to the A&E. Of course, my husband, never fail to disappoint me.

He went and said, she's fine, is her body warm? And of course, i went a little crazy on him. i said if you want to stay, i can go alone. if this is about work, youd jump out of bed and rush there.

Now, again, he disappoint me, there is a hospital just 5 mins away from where i lived, but that aint meant for kids. another hospital is 20 mins away and of course he choose the one nearer because it was like 2am and he needs to sleep and have to go to work in the morning.

The A&E staffs said, it is better to go to the other hospital, they are specialized in kids. My anxiety was on the high when we reach the other hospital(my husband knows as i tell him that). checks done and everything, we could go home. 5 days sick leave for my girl.

Of course, my hubby disappoints me again, he said hed take morning half day off. i wanted it to be full day as i know, when i wake up in the morning, im gonna have my anxiety level high, but i'll just make do

Guess he didnt keep his words. i mean seriously, he could go to work? i needed him, he knows that. I woke up with my anxiety on 50%. I normally would have just took a walk to ease this off, but my daughter is sick, i cant go out!

I texted him and he kept saying im gonna lose my job, i have to resign, we are gonna be poor and stuffs. Of course, at this point i was all full mode on about to explode. i was crying and my mind was in so much chaos. then it strikes, my PA went to almost full blown, i was left helpless, i couldnt walk, my legs went jelly on me.

My head was spinning, i couldnt take it, i called the ambulance. I left my girl with my helper alone!(i dont ever do this when any of my child is sick) I felt so terrible, im at a point where i dont know what to do. i had nowhere to pour it out, im trapped.

Hours later, my body is having all the tension, im still feeling depressed, i have a headache, anxiety is so and so, i just needed to just vent it out. He is not a bad man, he is all about work. im just left there to deal with it all by myself.

09-19-2012, 08:42 AM
Ok, deep breath, my dear. I totally understand that you are feeling anxious because your daughter is sick...but you HAVE to pull yourself together for her. If she is napping, why don't you take a nap also. Get a few books and lay with her and talk to her. It will not only help her, but it will allow you to do something to pass the day till your husband gets home. It is very easy for individuals like us who experience anxiety to feel like we always need someone around us to handle the tough situations, but just know that YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!! I believe in you, get strong for your daughter, she needs you right now.

09-19-2012, 11:15 AM
she slept most of the day today, it worries me because that is a sign of fatigue. Yeah, i will pull myself together soon, i know i will get out of this. i just felt sometimes, im just needing help. hes got a career today only because i took care of the house fully. i didnt bother him before. i just need a hand and he wouldnt do it for me.

he takes me for granted. but next time, im not going to put myself in this situation. next time, i wont text, i wont ask, i'll just drop the kids there at his workplace. while i go and do my therapy.

selfish, yes, but i need to kick this anxiety off me.

Thank you trinidiva, i feel much better now. :) hehe

09-19-2012, 04:38 PM
It's true that women tend to fear the worst for their kin, where the man would be a lot more laid back about it.

However, with life threatening infections such as meningitis - I think it is always best to be safe than sorry.

Kev asked if this happens often. I would also ask the same, since if it DOES happen often, then your story could
be one likened to the childrens tale of "the boy who cried wolf", where perhaps you over-react far too frequently.

09-20-2012, 05:23 AM

forwells ~ my husband seriously works too much. example, if we are having a family outing, his workplace calls, he would just leave us there and go to work, also, at home hes working, during date nights, hes on the phone working, and in movies, he can still text and reply about work, hes walking and working and that is all he thinks of. I sometimes feel i wanna smash his phone.

He will not complain if it is work related, but when it comes to me or anything to do with the house, he will first answer me with a sigh. So i now get really hard if i really need him.

Often i behave like this? no, if often he pushes me away, yes. i used to work to help the family, and still managed to spare time for the family.

He knows im there and i can managed, but unfortunately, i cant manage at times and would really love it if i speak to him, and he wont give me thousands of excuses and put the blame on me.

dazza ~ my daughter dont have a serious condition, she has high fever and is breathless and is fatigue. and i on the other hand, my anxiety level is on a high when my cycle period is near. i hate the idea of being at home alone with my sick daughter and a clueless helper. even if it is normal days, i dont stay home alone, i will only go home when my husband returns, or on his way home.

Yes, i have issues being left alone, especially when i cant get out of the situation. the fear starts coming and i cant focus. That is my hardest ever thing to come to terms with. My first attack was in my bedroom on my bed, and it was out of the blue. I suffocate if i have to be in my bedroom alone, in fact in the house. i do not like the feeling of being helpless.

09-20-2012, 05:28 AM
Its nice to see men stepping in and giving their opinions. Thanks guys. :)

09-20-2012, 10:00 PM
We have so little time with him. Im proud of him, he wants to just climb higher, but sometimes i feel so lonely. I dont have friends, its all his friends or my sis or the kids. Not that im a lousy mother or wife, but everything is about my family, and i meant everything. Sometimes, id just be happy if he could just pay a little more attention to us, ok well selfishly, to me. Lol.

I havent wrote him a love letter in a long time, maybe that would do it.

Ive thought about that too, ive thought about how selfish i am demanding his time. But then again, his work is to manipulate and save the company from getting a** handing in a gold plate session. I think its more of an addiction. He tries it at home at times, but unfortunately for him, i too know what hes doing cause i taught him some of the things, we work in the same line but different trade.

Sometimes, hed use his company as an example or guideline to everything at home, and i get really annoyed lol. Seriously, hes addicted to his workplace. Or obsessed id say.

But hes not a bad man. Hes just idk, a workaholic.