View Full Version : New anxiety blog, Open to everyone

09-18-2012, 10:43 PM
Hello, my name is Jerad. I was diagnosed with Anxiety and Depression at sixteen years old and have dealt with it sense. I'm now twenty two and finally have started to see a light at the end of the tunnel. The pieces of my life are starting to fall into place after a ton of hard work and determination. In my last therapy visit my specialist recommended i start writing to get a better grip on the last few years. I decided to start a blog and see if i couldn't help anyone else who happens to be in my shoes. I had a great number of supporters to help me but i know that isn't always the case. If you could use someone to talk to or a relatable, constantly updating site on overcoming anxiety you can find my work with blogspot by entering curbyouranxiety dot blogspot dot com. For some reason i can't post links here so insert "dots" when necessary. You can also E-Mail me at curbyouranxiety at Gmail dot com.

Thank you for your time.