View Full Version : What The Hell is Going on?

09-18-2012, 10:21 PM
Hey All: New here looking fore some help! I’m not completely sure if I have anxiety or not I’m hoping that sharing what I’m going through maybe some of you have had something like this happen to you and might share with me what has worked for you!? I was in a motorcycle accident broke many bones and other injuries. Recovering from that I fell was knocked unconscious split my head open while in this semi conscious state I was injured by the responders to the 911 call.

The pain from these new injuries combined with the others have caused me to lose a lot of sleep! In the eight months since I have experienced what I think is anxiety three times. These episodes were Real Bad I was really losing it, it was real scary! Since those three bad episodes I have had smaller less intense periods of this all when there was increased pain with lack of sleep. It seems the pain along with the lack of sleep have something to do with it. This has happened three times just in the past week.

I feel over whelmed by this with a feeling like I have lost control. When it is happening I feel like my temperature has risen, it is harder to breath, I’m overwhelmed with thought but nothing specific. I feel hyper sensitive to everything I try to distract it all by putting something engaging on TV something that takes my concentration to watch to distract me to what is happening, I have found recently that cold damp cloth on my forehead and back of neck has a calming effect. These feelings were with me all day Sunday a total wash and I struggled with them through Monday even through this morning. Tonight I feel my regular beat up broken self!?? I wish there was a pill I could take that would immediately take those feelings away!

Has anyone had something like this happen to them? Dose this sound like anxiety? Am I going nuts? What can I do to make this stop? Please any help will be appreciated!


09-18-2012, 10:31 PM
Yes honey it sounds exactly like what I go threw everyday ... I have not been in a major accident but I do suffer post traumatic stress ... I would deffinatly talk to your doctor and tell them the new experiences you are having . Cold wash cloth helps me , ice water to. Watching a funny show or something that really can keep u focused is good to. As far as a real fast fix u might want to talk to your doc about some medication options ... I take Ativan when I need it and it works wonders . There's also herbal meds u can take b 12 or b complex, magnesium is supposed to help and vitamin d....... You are not crazy and I'm struggling myself right now. But deffinatly speak to your doc :0)

09-18-2012, 10:45 PM
Happened to me lastnight, don't worry. Those are just symptoms of a panic attack. I had the same thing, felt like I had a fever of a 103. But my temp was only 97.8 when I took it. I felt my chest pounding, It felt hard to breath, and I got major drymouth. Also my head was super heavy. and had a bit of a headache. When I got into bed I just shook, my legs were trembling and I felt not myself at all. Like everything around me was fake and I was in a dream. It's all part of a panic attack, and it'll go away. BReathing techniques help, umm... Mostly just try to calm yourself down, think of happy things, and of your dreams and goals. Anything that makes you feel good.

Anxiety is a bitter, bitter enemy. but it can be overcome. Most of all though: You're not going nuts. :P So many people have anxiety and experience this. That's why we have this forum here. Everyone is in the same boat more or less, and we help eachother by sharing our techniques to deal with it, and give eachother hope and such. Good luck! You CAN overcome anxiety, it doesn't have to be permanent.

09-19-2012, 01:15 AM
>think of happy things, and of your dreams and goals

Not so easy when you think you're about to die though... lol

Like, shit... I'm about to die a horrible death. Probably heart attack... but wait, let me think of some fluffy kittens...


09-19-2012, 07:11 PM
First off Thank You All Very Much for your replies and all your suggestions! So this is anxiety. I had no idea! Heard about anxiety even my ex-wife had it I never understood it but that was a long time ago. Now it’s my turn!?? All Your Life Pawlowski187! I can’t imagine having this every day of my life! Cold towel works for you too. I found that a very cold drink can help as well. I did speak to my regular doctor she wants me to take more of my sleep medication ‘Trazodone’ to take it every night. Her logic is to beat the lack of sleep and that the Trazodone will help with the anxiety as it builds in my system? First off I hate this stuff it really messes my head it can affect me up to three days after taking it feeling foggy headed, stupid. Plus we have to get to it’s the intense pain that wakes me even if I have taken the Trazadone! I think she is giving me a crock of you know what I can’t find anything on the internet to back her claim. Any of your thoughts on this are appreciated.

I take Moriphine MS Contin and Codiene daily for pain. Most days it helps I can function some what normally if I didn’t have pain meds I would be a mess! I have a long way to go on recovering from all the injuries. I really don’t want to increase the pain meds as I am already taking healthy doses.

A Panic Attack!?? WOW so this could get worse lead to that? Scary! You get hot too Aceparadox! I definitely feel like my temperature has risen! I’ve never taken my temperature never was clear minded enough to think about it! (I’m from Minnesota, Duluth.) My head feels heavy too, kinda dull no headache but things feel unreal almost like I’m slightly removed from everything around me like a parallel in time. I know it sounds weird but that’s how it feels! I agree with dazza the way things are going I can’t really think of anything but what is at hand that’s why the TV distraction helps me there is no room for “fluffy kittens” no room for anything really but distraction! I have never felt like I was going to die but feeling as bad as I do thinking about what is happening only makes it worse! I can’t even imagine feeling like I was going to die it is so awful as it is! I know one thing, I have deep respect and compassion for anyone whom says they have experienced anxiety!

I could use suggestions on Meds and Why! My Doc has problems prescribing anything potentially addictive. I would really like to have something I could take that is fast acting for right at that moment when it’s happening opposed to taking something precautionary everyday as I’m taking many meds now! I’ve been told Xanax, Valium, Klonopin and Ativan are candidates for this type of use are there others and what are your opinions on how they work? Pawlowski187 Ativan works Wonders? Please elaborate! OK, I’ve blabbed enough for now. Again Thank you for sharing & helping me out!

09-20-2012, 01:26 PM
When I have an attack, I can't do anything. I just have to ride it out and let it go away on its own. If I try to distract myself, or concentrate on something else, I actually get more nervous becuase I think to myself "what if this doesn't work?" "if it doesn't work, that must mean something is seriously wrong with me" that kind of thinking. My mind is awlays going at 100 mph like that though

09-20-2012, 09:55 PM
True, sometimes just riding out the storm is the only thing to do. If I realize I'm about to have an attack I'll go make some Chamomile Tea, get a glass of ice water with it, and a cold towel. After it's over, I hold my head high and keep on truckin'. Be like the birds and sing after every storm. There is so much to life, so much fun to be had, so much to see, I'm not letting this keep me down. We're tougher than your average joe, I'd say, just based on the fact that we deal with this disorder and fight it and work to heal it every day. Good to meet a fellow Minnesotan though, skull.

Anyway, I hope some people can give their insight on medications and what not. I don't use any. I've managed to get by with just mental strength, Video games, Mr.Bean, and chamomile tea. Oh can't forget friends and family, they're a big help too. I think the reason I got caught offguard by the panic attack the other night is because I mistook some of the symptoms for allergies. I used to get a stuffy head and nausea from allergies before I had anxiety so I thought it was just that... took an Allegra pill, didn't see it working then suddenly BAM lol huddled up on my bed shaking. >.<

12-14-2012, 05:13 PM
Hey All: Thanks again for all your thoughts and suggestions! Just wanted to update you to what has transpired. I could not handle it without medication it just became to much! Remember I am recovering from multiple injuries and surgeries. My Doctor suggested Cymbalta as it is known for helping with anxiety and also with those with pain. She started me on 20mg for 2 weeks then 40mg for a month and just started 60mg. Some where in the middle of taking 40mg I noticed that I hadn't had an episode!?? Now on 60mg I haven't had an episode but I'm feeling like maybe 60mg is to much I have a fuzzy head feeling and very tired? I had surgery on my neck this past Monday so recovering maybe the rest is good but I don't like feeling this way all the time! Anyway, thought I would share that! It's good to not be having the anxiety but it is at a price and cost too! It is expensive and there are no generics yet! Any thoughts or opinions?

Skullman {:{}