View Full Version : Starting celexa been very panicky

09-18-2012, 06:26 PM
I'm having a terrible time right now , I really feel like I'm loosing my mind. Starting celexa tomarrow, has anyone else taken it ? I'm beginning to feel like giving up honestly ... I'm so tired of living in constant fear over my health. I'm becoming a prisoner of my own home again

09-18-2012, 09:46 PM

I'm sorry that you're having a terrible time right now. I understand what you mean. But don't give up...Hope is one of the most effective weapons against it. If you have any positive dreams or goals, strive towards them! Don't let anxiety keep you prisoner. I'm sure you'll find a way to manage it that works for you, and I'm sure there is atleast one person here who's used Celexa who can tell you a bit about their experience with it.

good luck! and don't lose hope :]

09-18-2012, 10:24 PM

I'm sorry that you're having a terrible time right now. I understand what you mean. But don't give up...Hope is one of the most effective weapons against it. If you have any positive dreams or goals, strive towards them! Don't let anxiety keep you prisoner. I'm sure you'll find a way to manage it that works for you, and I'm sure there is atleast one person here who's used Celexa who can tell you a bit about their experience with it.

good luck! and don't lose hope :]

Thank you:) everyday a prey to just be normal . There's this saying that people who live with panic are the people really The strongest because they fight to live everyday ... Something like that ... But I'll tell ya, this fight is sucking the life out of me... Thank you for the kind words... It's almost time to say my prayer and head to sleep, at least that gives me some temporary peace

09-18-2012, 10:50 PM
Yup! And hey, it makes us wiser too. Most folk in our everyday lives have no clue what we go through. At first I thought it was hopeless, but I didn't give up and I went 3-4 months without anxiety. I was dumb and let my guard down again though, but I know it can be overcome. As I said, I'm sure you'll find a way that works for you as well. Anyway, goodnight :P