View Full Version : About to start my medication, feeling anxious :-/

09-18-2012, 03:41 PM
I saw my doctor this afternoon and have been prescribed Prozac for my depression and amitriptyline for my anxiety attacks but I'm scared to take them. I've done a bit of reading on both of them and scared of the side effects. Also, it says in the instruction leaflet that amitriptyline is for depression and can take a few weeks to kick in. If that's the case why would my doctor prescribe me that when she told me it would work straight away to calm me down at night when I'm most anxious?
Has anyone had either of these and what am I likely to expect because I'm scared I will feel terrible in the morning and won't be able to get out of bed.

09-18-2012, 04:14 PM
Hiya and welcome,now i cant tell you about medication because i would be scared to take anything myself,i get anxiety feelings coming on me but i cope better now,i started with mine 10 yrs ago so it does get better,i think with the doctor giving you amitriptyline at night is because it can make u feel drowsy so it is best takin of a night and it is supposed to be good for anxiety,its hard i know but only you can make that decision on taking tablets,you could always have a go and if u dont like them you can always just stop,nothing is going to happen to you,am here if you need a chat x

09-18-2012, 04:22 PM
I'm not taking either of those, but I was really scared to take the meds I now ended up taking. I actually filled the meds and they sat in my medicine cabinet for months...till I finally was so tired of feeling anxious all the time that I broke down and took them. I am taking really small amts of both meds and I've had no major problems with side effects.

09-18-2012, 04:42 PM
I've just taken both of them and now feeling really scared because both say that they can interact but I'm guessing the doctor wouldn't have prescribed me if they weren't safe. I'm starting to feel tightness in my chest because I'm getting abit panicky. I really didn't want to have to start on medication and have been trying to cope without having to go down this route but I knew my anxieties were starting to kick in anyway like they do every night so thought they might help but I wasn't expecting to feel so scared of taking them. Im scared something is going to happen to me or I'm going to die of some bad side effect and no one is here to help me if something happens. My daughter is upstairs asleep and if something bad happens she will be all alone :(

09-18-2012, 05:55 PM
Stay on and talk to us.....just keep talking, or if you can, call someone to just keep you occupied.......I think you are just getting worried because you just took the meds. The doc would not of given you both if it was a serious drug contradiction to take both, and the pharmacist would of caught it as well. A lot of drugs have moderate conradictions, and are still ok to take. Don't worry about your daughter, you are going to be fine.

09-18-2012, 06:08 PM
If you don't have anyone to call, let me know. You can call me if you want. PM me if you need to.

09-18-2012, 10:16 PM
Is everything okay now? Hope it's alright. I'm the same way though. The EXACT same way. I'm always skeptical about medications and I read every little bit I can get my hands on to make sure its safe. One time I gave myself a panic attack just because I didn't remember if I took a pill already (short term memory issues affect me sometimes if I have racing thoughts or too preoccupied) and took the pill just in case. It was after my appendix surgery, and was a vicodin pill prescribed for my pain.

I hate being like this, but I guess it can't be helped. I wouldn't worry though. I just kept telling myself "Trust the doc, they know what they're doing." so he wouldn't of given you them both if he thought it wasn't safe to take them. You can call the hospital too, and talk to a nurse on standby (I think that's what they call them), and you can express your worry and be re-assured :]

Hope all is well!

09-19-2012, 12:40 AM
Well as soon as I posted my last comment I quickly rushed to bed because I felt it doing something and im pretty sure they knocked me out too. Feel so stupid for thinking the worst now!! Thank you :)

09-19-2012, 05:59 AM
So glad to hear everything worked out, I kind of figured you would be fine!!!!!!! I take Zoloft at night as well, and it knocks me out completely!!!!!