View Full Version : winter is coming... terrified

09-18-2012, 02:15 PM
Every winter my anxiety is exceptionally worse than other seasons. it sucks. i am so scared for the next 5 months or so. does anyone else hate it? or am i just alone?

09-18-2012, 04:30 PM
I wouldn't say I get more anxious, maybe just a little more depressed because of all the cold and gloomy weather. All I want to do is stay inside my house and hibernate for the entire winter...lol. I only seem to look forward to the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. That's it!!!
Do you think you feel more anxious because it gets darker so much earlier, or is it perhaps something else?

09-18-2012, 08:08 PM
I don't like it either, mostly I get depressed with the shorter days. I try to go outside and walk the dog or play in the snow with the dog. I noticed if I'm more active I feel better.

09-18-2012, 09:10 PM
This will be my first winter with anxiety. I'm not sure how it's going to play out, and that alone is making me feel uneasy. I'm sure it will be fine though, I love the Holiday seasons and all. One thing I think will be good about winter, is the cold! Like you know those hot flashes you get when your on the onset of a panic attack? You can just open the window and burst of cold air! That's kind of what helped me yesterday. Other than that... I dunno. I guess maybe I'll look for another job or something to have something extra to do and not have to sit inside too much.

09-18-2012, 10:17 PM
Hello Miss Mac:

One of the most visible signs of vitamin D3 deficiency is " winter blues". This term is an understatement. Full forced anxiety, depression, and panic disorder will come to many of those people who are deficient on vitamin D3 during winters. By arranging
a vitamin D3 (25-OH) blood test through your doctor, you will know how bad your deficiency is. Then an up to date doctor can treat your deficiency with high doses of vitamin d3. Please read my Thread Vitamin D3 Cured my anxiety, depression, and panic disorder at the depression forum of this website.

Best wishes,

09-19-2012, 01:10 PM
to be honest i dont like it because of lu season, the cold and the fact the days are much shorter. i would rather stay in my house all winter and not see anyone lol. i get much more depressed and a hell of alot more anxious. thanks for replying everyone. :)

09-19-2012, 01:12 PM
Hello Miss Mac:

One of the most visible signs of vitamin D3 deficiency is " winter blues". This term is an understatement. Full forced anxiety, depression, and panic disorder will come to many of those people who are deficient on vitamin D3 during winters. By arranging
a vitamin D3 (25-OH) blood test through your doctor, you will know how bad your deficiency is. Then an up to date doctor can treat your deficiency with high doses of vitamin d3. Please read my Thread Vitamin D3 Cured my anxiety, depression, and panic disorder at the depression forum of this website.

Best wishes,

i have definitely heard of this. i am positive i have a vitamin d deficiency.. i will ask my doc about it asap!

09-19-2012, 04:30 PM
Anxiety has a nasty habit of "panic by association".

It only takes one panic attack in one, certain situation to embed a fear of having panic attacks in the same situation thereon.

At my peak, I would ALWAYS panic in the shower.
I had one attack in the shower and that was it... I panicked everytime I took a frickin' shower.

I actually felt the fear rising as I walked toward the shower.

Cinema is another culprit, as is any enclosed space.

YOU now have an association of panic with winter and it's little wonder why.
Winter is dark, cold, miserable and, well... just shit really. Quite a feast for anxiety I'd say.

Remember it is a psychological association and nothing more.

09-19-2012, 04:51 PM
Yea from what my therapist says that it is learned behavior. basically have taught my brain to do the things it does. It is so shitty because in the winter i dont want to do anything. that includes xmas parties and such. blows. i already know that i will be on here alot throughout the winter lol.

Winter is shit in Boston. so cold, dark at 4 pm. makes me want to crawl out of my skin!
Anywho im doing ok. my doc put me on effexor and it seems to great for my depression so far but doing nothing for my anxiety itself. my anxiety is my enemy. at some points it makes me want to die honestly. i cant take the fear.

09-19-2012, 04:55 PM
I also have a hard time with winter. I think it has to do with the cold and shorter days. However I think even more than that is the fact that it is cold and flu season. My anxiety all started from a terrible flu I got last year. So I guess I am anxious about getting sick again.

09-19-2012, 04:58 PM
I also have a hard time with winter. I think it has to do with the cold and shorter days. However I think even more than that is the fact that it is cold and flu season. My anxiety all started from a terrible flu I got last year. So I guess I am anxious about getting sick again.

that is exactly my fear. specifically vomit/vomiting.... with is called emetophobia. i have been dealing with this emense fear since i was 15 and sadly has helped me develop an eating disorder. helps to talk to people with the same fear. although i know no one with the fear lol

09-20-2012, 01:20 AM
There is a term for people like that, it's called "Seasonal Affective Disorder", it's when people feel more stress through certain weather/seasons.

I personally get more stressed in Winter and colder weather. Part of this though is that I have Fibromyalgia which causes muscle and joint pain. During colder weather the pain gets worse because of the low pressures. I have to say I'm not very acclimatized to the cold either, I do better in hot weather.

09-20-2012, 04:58 AM
I actually love the winter. Summer is hard for me, when it's too hot and everyone's outside and everywhere is crowded etc it just seems to aggrevate me. So winter is a good season for me. I'm not very social so I have no issue with it getting dark earlier or being cold all the time. Plus I love driving at night, especialyl when it's freezing cold and gloating slightly when I see people walking in the cold. I also love doing my cycle routes at night. It makes it tougher, but I tend to focus more on the biting cold as opposed to the general aches and pains I get from my anxiety and raised heart rate. Still, autumn/fall is my favourite season.
