View Full Version : anxiety disorder well accepted ...?

03-24-2007, 09:14 PM
in todays world? is it a myth?

from what i see , people dont accept it as a real problem... anxiety is something everyone goes through yeah.., some more than others..
and we have a panic attack in full view of everyone... some get uncomfortable, others laugh it off... they dont see it as a panic attack
they see it as someone freaking out... "what a freak" that person weak
lets stomp on them... weak gets stomped on

03-27-2007, 08:13 AM
It's tough. My anxiety is relatively new. I was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress, Bipolar II and was hospitalized for severe depression in January. Anxiety is something that only recently creeped into the picture. The hardest thing for me is the impulse in my intellect to correlate it to something going on. Often, I'll think or say I am anxious becaue of something specific and the reality is that it isn't that thing at all. I am just experiencing anxiety.

It is understood. I know for me that I don't fully understand it. In my experience, it defies explanation and therefore seems irrational to others, because I cannot explain "why." Very frustrating.

V for Victor
03-27-2007, 09:05 AM
I think it depends on who you talk to. Some folks are very educated and understanding that an anxiety disorder is more than just worrying, it's a real condition that won't go away on its own.

And then, like you said, there are the people out there who'll criticize, call you weak, and then stomp on you.

Survival of the fittest, I guess.