View Full Version : At the end of my rope

09-17-2012, 06:08 PM
I'm a 20 yr old college student living on my own; I'm a nanny.
The kids I watch are pretty good, but their parents are drug addicts and being in their home is really stressful. I'm basically raising their kids.
I have had constant anxiety with depression for over a year. I was on sertraline but recently stopped taking it, and I'm thinking about starting up again because I get in this state where I start crying and I absolutely can't stop. I hate my job, I am struggling to find a new one and I just feel really lost and helpless

09-18-2012, 01:56 AM
I'm feeling the same way. Although I live at home, my job is really stressing me out. I feel so uncomfortable talking to ppl there (ever since by dad got let go from the company after being there for over 20 years). I just know ppl are fake and liars there and it's hard to pretend like everything is A-okay. It doesn't help that my boss gave me a task that involves me individually going to each employee and talking to them. Every night before and the morning of the days I go to work, I feel like throwing up. But my advice to you is to apply EVERYWHERE you possibly can. That's what I'm doing cause I just want to get the hell outta there. Im also trying to make bracelets and sell them online to make money. Maybe you should try that? Or sell things that you no longer need, just for some extra cash. Think outside the box for earning cash.

Hope that helps, I'm no therapist

09-19-2012, 01:12 PM
Yeah you're right! I have been applying everywhere and although my mom and I don't get along, she's been nice enough to make me some resumes. Everyday I dread going there.. It's awful. But the best of luck to you as well! :)