View Full Version : May go on sick leave

09-17-2012, 05:01 PM
Ok I never thought I would be considering this, but I am. I may go on sick leave. I just cannot handle the stress of my job right now and I have even more stress coming in the future from it. I just need a break. However the thought of staying home scares me because I will just have more time to worry about things. Also my pay will be a third of what it is now so I will have a hard time paying bills. I also fear that I would have a really hard time going back to work. And my boss would not trust me. I am so sick of this anxiety!

09-17-2012, 07:46 PM
Is your job the type of job where you can telework? I got to a point where I just couldn't do the drive to work due to stress, my drive was at least an hour and a half each way....I would start getting dizzy spells, etc. Well, my doc signed some Family Medical leave paperwork stating that I had a driving restriction, and now I work completely from home. My manager has been great and works with me. I know its scary to talk to people about your condition, but it may work out in your favor....you never know!

09-18-2012, 12:41 AM
I came to a compromise with my work.

I explained what I had & they understood and were very accomodating.

Insteading of taking large chunks of time off, I said that I'll keep going but I would just up and leave if things got too bad.
This gives you peace of mind in that you KNOW you can just go home... or even go for a walk if and when you like.

Worked for me and I only took the equivalent of about a week off in 8 months.

That aside, if your job is THAT bad - then maybe consider getting another. Or at least, ask for the stressful activities to be
removed for now.

You need to talk to them. ASAP.
They won't bite your head off.