View Full Version : Anxiety sufferer for last 14 years, and I am only 32

09-17-2012, 10:09 AM
I have been able to keep a handle on things until the last 7 years. I stopped leaving town,
I have gotten worse with some OCD behavior, health anxiety. I want to go on vacation. I want to stop
Obsessive thoughts about developing breast cancer. I want to enjoy life
But have no idea how to make this go away. I am afraid of medicine. I do take
10 mg of Lexapro but refuse the other meds, like Xanax. I'm afraid of losing control. I always have to be in control. My husband is supportive but he too suffered because if I dont go on vacation neither does he. How unfair is that? Life is too short.. How do I get rid of the fear?

09-17-2012, 03:31 PM
what do you mean "only 32"
im only 15.

09-17-2012, 11:48 PM
Sorry....life sucks sometimes

09-18-2012, 02:44 AM
I've heard that the whole fear and anxiety thing can be helped if you face your fears and forgiveness particularly if there has been issues in your past, which I have. I can't get over a lot of things that have happened to me but what I want to know is, how can you learn to accept things that have happened in your life to be able to move on and get over anxieties. I have so many anxieties that I've lost count. Is it one particular problem that causes all these anxieties or do I need to deal with every single one of them because I'm confused and don't know where to start. :(

09-18-2012, 07:37 AM
I completely understand......I too, was scared to try new meds, and always felt the need to control every situation. It came to the point for me that I wasn't enjoying life at all anymore. I wasn't enjoying my family, my kids, my husband, the list went on and on. I was scared to fly anywhere, and starting to feel scared to be a passenger in a car..... One day I just got to my breaking point and said that this has to stop. We only have one life to live, and I want to enjoy my life!!!! I told myself, even if I get scared, I'm still going to try to do things. I am back to driving.....just locally, but I still feel such a sense of accomplishment just from that. I am going on a major vacation next month, and yes, I am scared to fly, but I will survive!!! I know I will have a good time. It's really hard, but push yourself, even if you are scared. I take Zoloft, but I have xanax on hand just in case I do need it. I know that I will only take it if I am really experiencing a panic attack, so I don't worry about getting hooked on it......
Most of all, if your husband is supportive, talk to him about what you are experiencing. Share your small accomplishments with him. I wish you good luck, and we are all here for you.