View Full Version : Monthly period/menses and PA = sick of it

09-17-2012, 08:25 AM
I am very sure my menses is coming, this is because of the frequency in PA strikes and backaches and sleepy calls and my super duper tiredness.

My doc wont even accept that my menses actually triggers my PA.

In a month theres approx 30 days, and 10 days of it, its high tide on my PA.

Last month, all i did during the attacks was walk and shop and alot of doctors visit but that aint enough to minimize the frequency of the attack, i need lorazepam to really ease it off.

This month im going to try more, i dont believe there is no way i can ease my attacks during my menses. I do not wish to be dependant on lorazepam.

If anyone can share what they do during/before/after their periods, we could probly help each other.

09-17-2012, 04:33 PM
Anxiety is well know to be aggravated by ones period. Find another doctor. I can't believe the doc dismisses this. Alankay

09-17-2012, 04:37 PM
My anxiety is at its hight 8 days before I'm due my period & after I start my period there is a remarkable difference . My doc also dismisses that my horemones have anything to do with it .

I know that is can't be right because I go through the same thing every single month 8-10 days prior to my period & then it goes when I start .

I have yet to find any help or advice , :-(

I know how you feel :-(

09-17-2012, 05:08 PM
Ugh, I can totally relate!! I always seem to have heightened anxiety a few days before my cycle starts. My doc acknowledges that its due to the change in my hormones, but can't really offer more assistance then to just take alprazolam (xanax) as needed during that time. I'm going through it right now, as a matter of fact. Yesterday was the worst day by far. I had errands to run, started having dizzy spells and just started feeling like I couldn't breathe. I knew it was just anxiety, and I refused to let it put a damper on what I had to get done....so I just went, sat down for a little while in the store till I felt better....then I was finally able to finish.....

09-17-2012, 05:37 PM
I discussed this with my gynecologist. They agreed that my anxiety would b worse and put me on Prozac instead of the Celexa that my GP put me on. It really helped. If Ur doc won't listen maybe try Ur gynny. This was about 4 yrs ago and I no longer take meds but at least they listened!

09-17-2012, 05:45 PM
Talk to your obgyn and have them test your hormone levels. I would get panic attacks and then I'd start. My dr put me on natural progesterone and now I'm fine.

09-18-2012, 02:47 AM
I agree with the others about seeing a different doctor. There are a few crappy doctors but many out there are great and will listen and take on board what you are saying and try to help you. Have you thought about going on birth control? If you get the right one for you then it will not only regulate your periods but in most cases it will take care of the anxiety etc that comes along with it. It can be great for sorting out hormone issues and the side effects related to them.

09-18-2012, 07:41 AM

Forwells ~
Yes, i am in Asia, Singapore to be exact. I havent found one Doctor that tells me that menses can cause my anxiety level to go almost full blown. I have low potassium is what they tell me.
I havent been to a Gyne, because here, you need to be referred by doctors to see a specialist, and each time i tried to get a referral letter, it is almost impossible because the doctor would diagnose me with, yeast infection(they didnt even test me for this) it was just based on what the other nurse saw as i had pap smear done), urine tract infection, acid flux, and some other and tells me i would get better by taking the meds(i didnt eat the meds, i dont believe them). Believe me or not, all these Doctors are from the same building/clinics. lol
Like i said on another thread, i learnt most from here. I managed to lessen my PA mostly by reading the sticky thingy and some threads and comments.
I'll have a look at that website.

I am still on a search for a doc. To be honest, searching online for them is way difficult. i dont see anyone that has come forward from my city and recommend their doctor.

Exactly, i cant find a remedy on this, but i have yet to try on suggestions shared here.

lol, at least sitting down helps, i was out shopping and doing stuffs that i would normally do to ease it, get busy, it still wont budge. it stays there for 15-30 mins, some even almost to an hour, and it comes every 1-2 hours. the only thing i could do was to take lorazepam, this is normally when it reaches 85%. during this 10 days or so, i sometimes feel like putting up a tent and camp outside the hospital.

exactly, at least they listen, my 2 immediate doctors are male docs and young too. i only see them to release stress lol. they listen to stuffs which my hubby or anybody wont even take me seriously. maybe they are still junior docs, i didnt research them.

I hope there is no needles involved? I am a little fearful of needles, i need to be prepared and know if needle is involved for the test.

i have never been on birth controls, but if it will lessen the PA, i will try it! in what form? pills? needles? or stopper inside your parts, if you know what i meant.

Thank you everyone for stopping by and giving me suggestions. I want all of you to know, that every little comment makes a difference to me. I dont have this support here, i have to pay for it. paying and sincerity is different. i am just so glad i found this forum. I will update my progress soon. but, feel free to drop messages, im lurking most of the time.

09-18-2012, 07:45 AM
Btw, anyone has mini ulcers on their tongue? i havent freaked out on it yet, of course my hands are itchy to google, but i do not want to see stuffs thats gonna put thoughts in my brain not now when my menses is about to kick in. :P

09-18-2012, 08:33 AM
No problem. I think we all really want to help each other, we are all going through it in one way or another. Breathing techniques, and meditation or something like Tai Chi really help. I take Tai Chi a few times a week, and really do feel better afterwards. I do some of the warm up exercises when I wake up in the morning and it usually helps also. I also bought a few Tai Chi tapes off of Amazon and while I have yet to try them, I'm sure they will be helpful....
I think the key is convincing ourselves that nothing is really physically wrong,besides the surge of adrenaline, causing our panic attacks.