View Full Version : Feeling sick to my stomach before i go to bed

09-17-2012, 03:15 AM
Hi I'm new here,

I've been feeling very anxious lately and now looking into the past I see signs of anxiety that I've missed before. Im a very sensitive person and I find my self snapping at ppl more often (mostly my bf and mom, ppl whom I'm closest with). I over think EVERYTHING and I find it really hard to change my focus onto something else. I get super nervous in front of strangers or ppl that I know but aren't that close with. And if I know I have to encounter an uncomfortable situation, I won't be able to fall asleep the night before right way (like now). This is usually do to either work or school, where I have to communicate with others whom I'm not close with. I can't sleep cause I keep thinking negatively, like something embarassing/bad is going to happen and I have this throw up feeling.

Thanks for listening.

Jo Smith
09-17-2012, 04:33 AM
Im an over thinker aswell, sometimes dont you wish we could just have a turn off button. I get that sick feeling at night, but I get it alot worse in the morning. I really struggle to eat cereal, and the smell of my sandwiches that im making makes me want to throw up. I also have a short temper with those close to me. Im fine with everyone else, and I no im doing it and will often have to apologise once ive calmed down. I just think im so tired of all this, im exhausted and I find it hard to find the energy to communicate with people, which is why i end up snapping. Do you also find that you blow every situation out of proportion, then react badly, then it turns out its nothing like what youve thought. It seems like everything is the end of the world. x

09-18-2012, 01:38 AM
When ever I snap I usually wait a while and come to realize that it was just me overreacting. And I do try to apologize to whoever I upset but sometimes I just DON'T CARE and don't apologize. But I know that's not me. I don't try to be mean to ppl but I can't help it and it's something I really wanna change but I'm having the hardest time:(